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Status Updates posted by --peerless42

  1. I've died a little today.

  2. Thank you Doctor, for stopping the Mayan Death Robot with your sonic screwdriver.


  4. That akward moment the apocalypse doesn't happen.

  5. F'ing cold in my man-cave! F'ING COLD I SAY!

    1. Braxis
    2. Lykos


      My man cave is the warmest place in the house. Thermostat is set at 68, it gets up to 80°f in here.

  6. I know, I still laughed though.

  7. And since I don't outright insult people, I'll let you fill in the blank.

  8. Defensive much? Maybe I should dumb down my usual bluntness to -derp- so you can understand. Also, the current plugins are making the game terrible. So of course whatever you want to call it class, etc. I gave it a name besides the fact that I am not privy to know the name of staff-sensitive coding. I will go on to saying that it's ruining the game-play. Also it's rude to insult people....

  9. Would you kindly fix the class mod now? K thnx.

  10. I officially declare war on all mountains, they are my sworn enemy in life.

  11. Today I begin the long 2000 mile journey to Washington State, see you soon Bito & Chrisdena.

    1. NekoDanie


      Go to the AFK Tavern while your there!

  12. Apparently there's a problem with my personality, according to someone who uses sociology to their own benefit.

  13. I am the MOST unimportant person on the server.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 0000


      Naaah. There are less important people. You're actually pretty popular <3

    3. MediocreGamer


      I don't know how to put this, but I'm kind of a big deal. People know me. Um, I'm very important. I have many leather-bound books, and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.

    4. Agnub


      Syrio Burgundy and the Alrasian news team...

  14. There's one person in particular who is seeking to be un-banned, who has a 'cult' following like another un-mentioned individual. I'll let you decide whom I mean, and disregard flames.

    1. danic


      Pleasepleasepleaseplease be susitsu...

  15. It was a statement, and not an attack. It seems every time I make a post. You are there in the same thread, if it isn't watching --then how about you explain your reasoning for sitting back on my threads? Otherwise I'll stand by my assertion.

  16. Feh..tired, but not without ambition to write.

  17. I am not arguing with you about anything. If I find that I made a mistake I'll fix it myself. Please do not do that again, that's all I wanted to say.

  18. Do me a favor next time, don't correct my spelling directly on the thread. You can send me a PM, and tell me there however it is rude to so with everyone watching.

  19. Stop watching me.

  20. I am leaving..................the drama behind in this game, have fun folks!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. VonAulus


      are you leaving the server... or leaving the drama?

    3. SparehoeCakes


      I understand you are leaving the server, SO I'd like to say, I wish you weren't leaving and I'm glad the drama drove you away. Anyway, Good luck with your future!

    4. --peerless42


      Leaving the drama, I miss the old days when I just had fun with friends.

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