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Status Updates posted by SparehoeCakes

  1. I changed my signature. Spread the word. My signature says NOW to PM me if you have been waiting for 3 days for your app to be accepted/denied/read. BUT if i get a PM to check an app before 3 days, i will just deny the app.

  2. I check your profile regularly for new plugins you post on the about me thing. >.

    1. Telanir


      Yay Sparrow! ^-^

      That makes me happeh, now I know that it actually matters when I update them. :3

      Not right now though, you won't see any changes because Professions plugin is going to take a while.

    2. SparehoeCakes


      I know, I'm just, stalking around, because maybe, you'll have an idea and put it there in the brainstorming phase or something, and then I get to guess at what it is. :3

  3. I click on the ads sometimes to make LOTC more monies.

    1. JtPv


      Ad moneys are per view, not per click. :P

    2. SparehoeCakes


      They are supposed to give more money if clicked, or so I was told.

  4. I DEMAND YOU ALL GO GET THE UPDATED VERSION ON HAWKS MODPACK! It is sooo kewwllllll. Tell your friends it is out!

    1. gingernut97



    2. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      I have the latest version so I understand why your shouting. Now everyone else get the damn Mod Pack

    3. SparehoeCakes


      Its on the forums, under Hawks Mod Pack. Under the download. The download link is updated.

  5. I didn't realize today was the 10th. But when it hit me, it hit me like a brick wall. The worst part, is that I know people that lost loved ones in the events of 9/11. So .. Yeah. :(

    1. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      At least your bday is not on 9/11....

    2. ~≈Panda≈~


      It has been 11 years. Most people have moved on and a lot of us are too young to even remember most of it.

  6. I don't drink wine, but sure. Why?

  7. I don't get why people spam statuses when the server goes down, it just makes the important statuses die.

  8. I feel horrriblllleee. >.> I don't get sick often, but when I do, I feel like I'm dying. <.>

  9. I feel like I did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING today. But I voted. And answered about 18 questions. So I guess I've did okay for only being home for about 5 hours.

    1. SparehoeCakes


      *Adds "I voted twice" to the list*

    2. Maletone Blazebeard (Aqua)
  10. I feel like one of those people that apply for every position. Though I only have 3 apps up. I don't wanna apply for every position.. .-.

    1. Cracker


      Putting all my chips in one basket; VAT is where its at

    2. Hylian the Heretic

      Hylian the Heretic

      Sparrow, don't feel bad XD

      I'm volunteering for VAT, applying for GM and guide, and I'm already on the app team XD

    3. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      I have vowed to never post a staff application again.

  11. I feel so lost when it comes to LOTC lately. Not sure why, I just do. o.o

    1. The Cleaning Crew

      The Cleaning Crew

      You could by organs from Gooms.

    2. Merkaken


      I have that feeling too, Sparehoe

  12. I feel so loved. I feel like I forgot how awesome LOTC can be, everyone is amazing! Have a good day!

  13. I feel so stolen from. One day I logged into TS with all kind of fancy characters as my name, and got rid of it because people complained to me, and look now, everyone has characters. Go away. :/

    1. Dat Meman46

      Dat Meman46

      Come back to eve.... We miss you...

    2. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda doesn't see the point in "fancy" text unless people just want that extra bit of attention.. o3o

    3. SparehoeCakes


      Panda, Nyx Thinks you are correct.


  15. I forgot how much I loved Repiteo's voice.. ^.^

  16. I forgot our forums has a debate section. I love debates. But I dont see anything I am really interested in, so I need to think of something to open. Ideas?

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Terrorism. I shall make the topic.

  17. I found another reason to love the LOTC community. When we make posts, and speak, we don't talk like idiots. So, GOOD JOB LOTC! :)

  18. I get on spurts where I do A LOT and then nothing for like a week then a week. This is my busy week it seems.

  19. I got quoted in the news/maintenance section, I are cool :3

  20. I hate this time of the day/night. Like 5-9ish CST is the worst. No one is online. Nothing is happening. Aussies are going to bed. UKers are not waking up yet. ITS HORRIBLE

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. argonian


      I'm in the same timezone as the UK and I'm long up. It's nearly 12. It's not that we're not up, it's that we're used to coming on at EST times.

    3. Cappy


      I'm still here :I

    4. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)


  21. I hate when I get addicted to a song. You have to listen to it like 200 times to get it out. I'm currently at about 98, so I have a good few more to go. Can I listen to a song 200 times in a day? I think so.. O.o

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gingernut97


      The same cannot be said for your English, Lym.

    3. SparehoeCakes


      I could listen to it about 500 times a day, if I listened to it non-stop. Did the math, and that formula is completely wrong BTW. It would be [24x60x60 - ({seconds of song}x200)]

    4. Lym


      Thou shalt not grammar nazi my grammar.

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