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Everything posted by SparehoeCakes

  1. Today didn't feel like a Friday..... until I got home and was like OMG FRIDAY IS TODAY ERMAGOD

    1. Old-Rattlesnake



    2. SparehoeCakes
  2. We don't talk much, but I still

  3. New MPM is so awesome omg guys go get it, use your google skills to find it. Just, omg.

  4. Just realized my 2,400th post will be whatever I post on next. Hmmmm

  5. I just realized I missed my 2 year anniversary. Which was yesterday. Kinda disappointing, but I missed it doing awesome things, so, woo

  6. omg danny ur newsletter iz so late. it's gonna be the secund soon, an no newsletter is postd yet....

  7. Make sure to get your surveys turned in, results will be posted after the weekend ^-^ : http://bit.ly/18ZBRNe

  8. The VMAs... I can't even..

  9. Just realized my forum and server aniversary are coming in like, a week. Damn, That's fast.

  10. Today was a rollercoaster. Good, not. Bad, not. Just. To. Much. Good. Night. ~~~~

  11. Today is not my day. At. All.

    1. JtPv
    2. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      Vent to me bestfriend.

  12. Congrats to all of the Accepted Beta testers. And good luck to the remaining applicants!

  13. I ams gonna be Buseh today. So much for going shopping~. All well.

  14. I feel so lost when it comes to LOTC lately. Not sure why, I just do. o.o

    1. The Cleaning Crew

      The Cleaning Crew

      You could by organs from Gooms.

    2. Merkaken


      I have that feeling too, Sparehoe


  16. Just played against a at least 1 Gold, plat, and challenger teir in league. We lost, but I carried...ish. http://gyazo.com/cc3435e7e253c67383b67036421e6204

    1. V0idsoldier


      102 farm lol. Sounds legit sparrow :P

    2. SparehoeCakes


      We lost sooo quickly. They stomped us. BUT I DID WELLER DEN DEM. I had to gank constantly, hard to CS ;-;

    3. V0idsoldier


      31 minutes aint quick sparrow :P You did better than your team though lol

  17. *pushes his chair away from the computer, waddling away* "I'll be back soon, I'm tired."

  18. How's everyones' day?

    1. ToenailTickler
    2. Aislin


      i just had to search through 3 huge bins of trash because my senile grandpa accidentally threw out an envelope (amongst a hundred others) with $600 in it.

  19. i leik ur new phorum acount :3

  20. 6/10 You just made a new forums game. MAJOR BOOST IN POPULARITY.
  21. #RhiaTwerks

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Shadeleaf
    3. EmeraldStag


      And thus ushers in the age old saying....pics or it didn't happen.



      I agree, pics or it didn't happen. be gone with your hearsay.

  22. Congrats to Aislin and Bacontheif on getting Guide!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SparehoeCakes


      Yup! In the process of cleaning the mentor turn out, and then I'll stick more in their place.

    3. Pum!


      Congratulations to Bacon and Aislin both! ^-^

    4. Aislin
  23. If you wanna be a mentor, are a mentor, or want to know more about them, CLICK http://bit.ly/17NKWbu

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