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Status Replies posted by Anderssn

  1. Okay, seriously, what if I wanted to submit lore about recreating Hanseti?

  2. I'm sorry for the sins I have committed on your status friendo. ):

  3. Can someone make the skin i currently have? I dont have the image for it anymore and being partially colorblind i am afraid i would mess it up, i have had the skin for 5 years.

  4. Can someone make the skin i currently have? I dont have the image for it anymore and being partially colorblind i am afraid i would mess it up, i have had the skin for 5 years.

  5. I usually wear a suit to school everyday, people think I'm cool.

  6. I usually wear a suit to school everyday, people think I'm cool.

  7. I usually wear a suit to school everyday, people think I'm cool.

  8. i want to play lotc but im so gotdam busy!! Dont Hou... Froget About Me

  9. If i were a pokemon i'd be omanyte

    This doesnt have anything to do with looking like a hentai monster get your mind out of the gutter

  10. How do I make up my own magic ?

  11. how the flimflam am I still a newly spawned rank if I'm an old hat, diggity dangit

  12. Bored of grinding, or in need of mina? I suggest looking at this!

  13. School cancelled because of snow ? Not in Canada.

  14. At what age is a dwarf considered an adult?

  15. when i die fok it i wanna goto hell, cuz im a piece of shet it aint hard to fokin tell.

  16. Confess your sins of raid baiting and hand over your armour and face prosecution.

  17. Good old GMs, not having public player consultations before implementing wide ranging rules. RIP Orcish raiding reforms, guess its back to get-in-get out clickspam.

  18. Killed a Zombie with Fortune Pickaxe, got a casket

  19. Killed a Zombie with Fortune Pickaxe, got a casket

  20. Killed a Zombie with Fortune Pickaxe, got a casket

  21. hello mr post mannnnnn

  22. hello mr post mannnnnn

  23. 8 FT carts at Felsen (Not including Docks). No wonder I can't find RP!! What human place is the most populated?

  24. Man the server is so unsutable nowadays.

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