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Everything posted by Dante

  1. Oh. No, I haven't sent her an e mail yet. I'm actually going to try that right now.

  2. I don't believe I even have her e mail...

  3. Yeah... I remember that, though I wish she had at least have shared the IP with some of us.

  4. Please tell me. She's literally my best friend on this server, and it's had a huge toll on me both IC and OOC...

  5. ./modlist "Iblees" Well, fancy that...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sargeblub
    3. Reader


      Seems Legit.

    4. Paladin


      I saw this earlier, gonna make a ban report, if he is GM, imagine all the power he has! *shudders*


  6. Do what you'd like.

  7. Mage battles. So damn confusing :S

    1. danic



    2. Eoin :/

      Eoin :/

      How is "Pew pew pew" confusing? I find it quite intricate and complex; but not confusing.

  8. Sorry about that. I've been AFK quite a bit. Thank you for your congratulations.

  9. *spends a good hour making amazing hooded skin* . . . *deletes*

    1. Korvic
    2. Dyn


      Dat is how life works I suppose.

  10. *licks Darion's ear*

  11. Also, are you getting on today?

  12. That's embarrassing D:

  13. Kupo!

    1. CowsGoMoo


      Dante, it's four AM.

      God knows why you're awake this early.

      (( _ _ ))..zzzZZ

    2. danic


      I t'ink he's still in the middle time zone, so it would be 6 o3o

    3. Dante


      It was like five I think @_@

  14. WWwwwwwuuuuuuuttttt

  15. A fellow clarinet player ~

  16. Everytime I review an app, two more pop up. AT, where art thou?

    1. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      It's a loosing battle

    2. DrakeHaze.


      Don't give up, giving up is for boring people without a personality :3

    3. danic


      Maybe I should get a whip.

  17. I purposely left that app for you, just because she had your name :)

  18. Yeah. I'm waiting on him for his own response to my reviews.

  19. Ehm, how long was I your apprentice within the guild? A month or so?

  20. I'm going to comment once

  21. It's cool. Took a while to prepare, and the best man didn't even do much. Jon was awkward, and Stral'don was AFK during the part where she was supposed to say "I do."

    Sad you couldn't attend, but not all too tragic.

  22. My laptop will no longer allow me to download, use any of the windows programs, play minecraft, or use office. All it will let me do is Interenet explorer now.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ΚΨΙΞ


      double posting status glitch ftw

    3. imjoebaker


      Let's hope you can still run some Anti-virus. Fail that wipe your mechine and reinstall your operating system.

    4. Dante


      I've still my operating system, but to actually use my programs it wants me to varify that I got it legitimately. It try to download the program, but it notifies me that the disk structure is not compatible for it (as all downloads are now)

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