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Status Updates posted by Esterlen

  1. 10/10 Harmening. Aside from the obvious, why am I bad?

  2. i am a loyal vassal of king harmening, king of all land whales

    it is a gloryus day 2 be a land whale sugar

  3. [4:42:59 PM] Ian: Man that Zebanamana guy sounds like a real ****

  4. celia we should totally rp some time

  5. um your profile picture offends me

  6. i just cant live without you

  7. homosexuality breaks the king's peace, EXPECT WAR

  8. lieb vaterland :)

  9. I th1nk your boxxy

  10. Greetings Erwin! - Love, your good friend Julius S.

  11. thith goothermant ith coroopt

  12. cetnik remove kebab i am cetnik ahahahahahaa

  13. .:russkii paren':.

  14. i hope this cheers you up alterazgohg im here for you
  15. where the hell have u been z-zach? my fedora has gone unadmired for months

  16. "f*cking baroness warsi why did we even let her into the upper house?" eric pickles 1/11/13

  17. i guess god is pretty great yeah

  18. email to vladislavistan: are u dumb???? nobody appreciates your cyberbulling!

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