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Status Replies posted by Esterlen

  1. The castle in the Human's 4.0 city is literally the best castle i've ever seen in minecraft.

  2. The castle in the Human's 4.0 city is literally the best castle i've ever seen in minecraft.

  3. The castle in the Human's 4.0 city is literally the best castle i've ever seen in minecraft.

  4. feminism is ridiculous

  5. stacy's mom has got it goin on

  6. can I invade Oren with cockroaches?

  7. Any other Aldersberg civilians out there in Thales?

  8. Any other Aldersberg civilians out there in Thales?

  9. Guys my flight landed so I'm back as of tomorrow!

  10. Just want to remind everybody that America is far superior to whatever third world country you come from. Especially England.

  11. helloo friends of lotc is it gay if i have a tumblr?

  12. T-hey removed knox's post !!

  13. Hello i hope you are not dead, love Rhys.

  14. as said before: "the point of it being a private TS is that she wasn't "Obligated" to be there to enjoy the server's perks and services. It was completely of her own will."

  15. as said before: "the point of it being a private TS is that she wasn't "Obligated" to be there to enjoy the server's perks and services. It was completely of her own will."

  16. as said before: "the point of it being a private TS is that she wasn't "Obligated" to be there to enjoy the server's perks and services. It was completely of her own will."

  17. How long does it typically take to get VIP after doing all that paypal stuff?

  18. Southerons are referred to as Farfolk now? No thanks.

  19. History and literature, where would we be without them.

  20. how many serial killer characters are there now on lotc?

  21. The bullet's a fool, but the bayonet is clever.

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