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The Womping Wizard

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Everything posted by The Womping Wizard

  1. Are the Aussie Hunger Games being hosted this weekend?

  2. Was interviewed by Dante's Mother on TS. Oh lordy that was funny

    1. Dante


      interrogated *


    2. Eleatic
  3. Released from the orc peoples after they fought each other over me. This is why I don't visit orcs.

  4. -visits orc nation as dark elf to look at it- -gets captured and goes to a dungeon after almost getting robbed-

    1. BadCall


      Lesson of the day, DO NOT GO in the orc's land.

  5. OOC MC Name: The_Blind_Seer Weekly Availability: Weekdays - 4-10 PM Timezone: EST Have an Accepted VA?: Nope If you do not, do you understand that you may only work as a quartermaster or guard?: Yeppyepp IC Name: Stral'Don Flormai Are you willing to live at a tower, or other designated place?: Yes How good are you at combat?, explain past experiences: Yes, Dagger work What trade skills do you consider yourself good at ((Skills and levels))?: Blacksmithing ((100)) Do you have any attachments to any specific group or person?: Hmm. No, Not really.. Are you willing to work outside the law?: Sure sure~ What other guilds or groups have you worked for in the past?: None Tell us about yourself: My name is Stral'Don. I work the forge of Seventis most of my time. In my spare time I wander about looking for fun. Lately life has bored me so I seek a hint of adventure.. I have been a jest most of my life wrapped in iron clad along with my recently deceased sister Syllia. Ever since her death I have not found the need to strike happiness in those around me. I have trained in the art of daggers for acts of my shows. Why do you want to join the Spectres?: I seek a slight hint of adventure or at least something to do. Days are filled with boredom and grow longer. With an opportunity like this I might as well have something to do.
  6. -looks at forums while in Sarun- -looks back at MC- -Ded-

  7. Just ordered a nice leather watch band for my iPod Nano aswell as a teal beanie, Ah I love my grandma

  8. Summer Job Ideas. Go.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. The Womping Wizard

      The Womping Wizard

      I don't think they get much pay IRL either :<

    3. EmeraldStag


      they do if they go to many different places in one day.

    4. Dante


      Work at like the aquarium :>

  9. Online at school. /rants about he's such a rebel.

    1. Braxis


      Same here:P

    2. Aislin


      It's 2 AM and I'm still online teehee

  10. Gah, finished 3 pages of math worksheets, editing a 5 page essay, and a History brochure on Totalitarianism

    1. CowsGoMoo



      Zane, if we're holding you up from doing homework, TELL US. It's like 11PM where you're at!

      Good luck!

  11. Fun fun, hope we do this again tomarrow

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Womping Wizard
    3. everblue2er101
    4. Dante


      Q_Q What sort of antics did you get up too without e?

  12. -Gets present. Eggs. Assumes eggs will be given to me so stops running. Gets 10 zombies spawned on him and gets stuck between zombes and tree.- Yay for presents

    1. CowsGoMoo


      Santa Clause thinks you've been a...


    2. everblue2er101


      Never. Stop. Moving. That's your first mistake.

  13. -Wins hunger games- :D Whoever is spamming lightning on people and random mobs ontop of them. Its not fun :

    1. everblue2er101


      I agree. Died when a blaze landed on my head. But hey, I won a round :D

  14. Zane's tip of the day. Don't set off a firework in your house. It doesn't end well.

    1. EmeraldStag


      You sure about that? I don't think it works that way.

    2. ℓαтєяяє ~
  15. If my eye keeps twitching I'm going to stab it

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Peter Chivay

      Peter Chivay

      No joke, eat bananas. It is a potassium deficiency.

    3. OSD


      Could also be stress related, stop stressing, kick a puppy today!

      -runs from the PETA horde-

    4. NekoDanie


      Than you really would be a blind seer? Do you drink a lot of caffeine? That could be your problem.

  16. Zane's tip of the day. Swag all day. Erryday.

    1. ℓαтєяяє ~
    2. The Womping Wizard

      The Womping Wizard

      Deleted Danic's post for his lies.


  17. 8/10 I've seen you round town.. You come here often?
  18. Why does my eye keep twitching >:c

    1. Fredfort (jens6851)

      Fredfort (jens6851)

      Same happens to me all the time o.o puts something cold on it. That's what I do at least.

    2. Aren Whitestorm

      Aren Whitestorm

      It's not yer eye, it's yer eyelid. But yeah, it happens to me too. Don't have any way to stop it though.

    3. LukeZo


      Not enough sleep. Happens to me too.

  19. Sometimes I just want to copy someone else's status word for word and see if they notice.

    1. Mirtok


      You people are why we can't have nice things.

  20. Sleepmode. Activate. Boop

    1. Swgrclan




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