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Fredfort (jens6851)

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Status Replies posted by Fredfort (jens6851)

  1. Don't forget to check out the new mines, and leave feedback once you have!

  2. The new mines are too rich with ore. I managed to get 20+ diamonds in about 30 minutes.

  3. Stumbled around trying to find roleplay for 30 minutes. Found some! Success! Even though it only lasted 5 minutes. :D

  4. I'm a bit disappointed that LoTC has fell into the elitism section of roleplay. I wouldn't call LoTC a roleplay server anymore. Guys may as well open the whitelist at this point.

  5. Sometimes, you just gotta calm down... and be like "ok, I gotta do this first to get to this, and then I gotta do that other thing aswell." When you take off the rose colored glasses and analyze the steps leading to the fulfillment of your passion, you will truly be enlightened. Everything will seem so much more orderly. ;)

  6. I need new RP. Halp.

  7. Did you know Jofferey from Game of Thrones, is an inbred and is played by an Irish actor... coincidence? I think not MrGreene.

  8. It's weird when you find out someone that plays Lotc lives about 5 minutes away from you O.o

  9. Those SM Apps... If you are Dane you'll get it.

  10. Anyone here know how long ago Aegis was?

  11. Anyone here know how long ago Aegis was?

  12. Anyone here know how long ago Aegis was?

  13. (I'm back. Hai.) And let the staff do their job. Wait and see for once.

  14. (I'm back. Hai.) And let the staff do their job. Wait and see for once.

  15. Sooo.. What race is currently the most played race? :)

  16. Sooo.. What race is currently the most played race? :)

  17. School tomorrow...

  18. Awe yeah! Hosted a DayZ server. Boo-yah!

  19. Quite literally the best round I have ever played http://gyazo.com/75cb4fd353dcbd97ebe01311c52f1901

  20. I still wonder, what is the need for an alt account app? In all honesty, if you have already been accepted, why do you need to re-apply?

  21. Ads may earn the server money, but the server also says VIPs get no ads. Well, I do, so I need ad-block...

  22. Can I be made a moderator of the Debate Forum, many people are going border-line 'hateful' on both ends of the 'Same Sex Issue'

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