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Status Replies posted by Neutonic

  1. So time to learn coding, anyone got a idea were i should start ?

  2. Getting an entire race to evacuate their home..... Not an easy task..... -slams head on table-

  3. Why does it take a lvl 50 blacksmith to strike a piece of flint onto a piece of steel to create fire??

  4. just been reading dannys thing for what the gms are considering, now i please beg you do not remove regions !

  5. hayden34666 just no rped about 8-9 of us in full diamond armour.... ban report incoming!

  6. Crap! I just got into a new guild, but it turns out EVERY member is in a radically different time zone then me, and I never see anyone.

  7. Just discovered the Fairy Tail anime, The absurdity of it is amazing :3

  8. I'm an apple? What are you?

  9. I love ban reports where the guy reporting has a hacked client on.

  10. I love ban reports where the guy reporting has a hacked client on.

  11. Yes! Done with calculus! Wait a second... That is the highest math my high school offers... What am I taking next year? O_o

  12. Wow making diamond things is impossible now !

  13. wonder when magic plugin is hitting?

  14. I can no longer make bread. This is war.

  15. So whiney, crying people want to leave the server without an intelligent discussion, I shall make another post then! :D

  16. How does one repair chain ? i tryed iron and smooth stone and yes i am level 100 in blacksmithing

  17. When this new patch coming out then ?

  18. Wish I had never taken art as a GCSE ; . ;

  19. Alras is screwed...

  20. Nooooo They fixed Blacksmithing... :

  21. ive come back to LOTC :D

  22. Is there a possible way to kill Endermen? Liek, is there a way to make them stop deflecting your attacks?

  23. Ok... I Believe my application is about... 84% good. Hopefully I didn't miss anything.

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