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Ender VIP
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Status Updates posted by Samsan99

    1. Shadeleaf


      What is the mod you are using. With the Idle thang

    2. -The Doctor-

      -The Doctor-

      That's Feed The Beast, I believe. It's easier to use, as it's both on1.5.2 and has several great mods.

    3. Samsan99
  1. :3 the new doctor ep was awesome :D

    1. Overland


      I know right :D

  2. \0/ whoo music time in my channel (the shad'rin music chambers) all auto. :D

    1. Lym
    2. Samsan99


      haha no all people have been playing is old songs from the 80's

  3. Any one want a copy of Magicka? I have a few free

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. tnoy23


      If you still have one, PM me ^.^

    3. Space


      Jesus christ thank you

    4. Samsan99


      Welp they are all gone D: Maybe ill get more games to give away later

  4. AV 4 why remove my weapons wheel D:

  5. Been off for a few weeks with family issues get back on to find my MA accept :D yay

  6. Cant every one just chill out and stop raging at the staff its not their fault for doing their job

    1. AgentSunny



      I concur.

      Though I don't think the staff can take care of everything. The community as a whole needs to work out their issues.

    2. Raptorious


      lol top kek this guy's a joker

    3. MamaBearJade


      idk why people are raging. I am banned yet I dont rage at the staff. Just chill and relax people. Sheesh

  7. Creating game worlds :P if any one wants to watch 006cbaff

  8. Creating game worlds :P if any one wants to watch

  9. Did the server just shut down with out telling us all .-.

  10. Did ts get ddos again?

  11. Dolgan can claim as a shadow touched and a higher ranking member of the old shad'rin

  12. Feed the beast any one?

  13. Finally got our old guild back and running :D if any one want to check it out http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/93551-the-shadrin/#entry834277

    1. Urasept


      Not sure if this is a good thing.. or a bad thing..

    2. gingernut97


      Why not both?

  14. Going to pick a few out soon so if you havnt put your characters story in now! https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/117939-your-story/

  15. Happy birthday to my dear Friend ttewesten We have had our ups and down but have known each over since Aegis and you have proven to be a amazing frince since than

    1. Samsan99
    2. Old-Rattlesnake


      The fresh frince of fel fair.

    3. Draeris


      Revelation :3

  16. Happy BR day every one.. what four or so already?

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