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Everything posted by Samsan99

  1. Name: Karim Age: 67 Gender: Male Race: Mali'ker (OOC) Username: samsan99 Discord: samsan99#0001 Timezone: GMT +8, AWEST
  2. A mage in purple sits upon the high walls of the city enjoying a cup of tea, rolling her eyes at the malin purity seekers crowing within the forests shadows. With a click of her fingers a small flame appears within her hand "If they hide in the trees and refuse to face us like true children of Malin I shall have to burn the forests down, trees grow back but I Doubt they will" scoffing softly as they run off again and goes back to enjoying her tea before signing up to the army.
  3. "A criminal, In not just our Nation but in many others. Why would anyone trust your word when your banishment list is longer then all the books within the Lectors library" A member of the crowd comments to passerby
  4. The silver haired Lunaran Guard frowns as he reads up all the missive he missed during his rest, His heart growing heavy with the fighting between houses and the attack upon those he pledge to care. "And so they confess to their crimes and many more. Not reporting such a thing to the guard as well" A deep sigh escapes the old elf as he shakes his head. Still more he grows saddened from such people within his city and its government committing such crimes and covering them up. Leaving back to the keep of the Lunaran Guard he sits by the pond to clear his head and write a letter to his fellow Guards.
  5. Freyr Vanari sits down in a quiet corner within the halls of the vigil and opens this new tome from his brothers and sisters of the golden Lion spending his day studying its pages "It is good they are trying to learn from our history, I hope they too remember of the lesson from old that cant be found in tomes. I agree most of these would benefit us and I will see my brothers and sisters about adding many to our own creeds." He would take notes on the book before carefully returning it to its place so others too could learn from it.
  6. Go on Tax lady. Do. You. Worst.
  7. "The Order of the boreal forest and the Lunaran guards are under a enflammer now? I think there has been a mix up along the lines." Shaking his head at the flyer with a sigh before walking away from the thing. "better" he comments after the change
  8. Alia Tartarus is awoken from her slumber by one Usamea An'Asul trusting a missive upon her before moving on. After taking the time to read it "Progress is finally going forwards. Its about time I guess Usamea's must of finally put her foot down"
  9. Pretty interesting addition! I'd like to see some thing like this
  10. "To all fellow citizens of our beloved city of Haelun'or, Today while I was enjoy a walk around our beautiful city I saw a face I knew. A face that was does not belong within our city! The face of a criminal, Aerendyl Lor'demar. The assassin that killed our once beloved bee, Maheral Azorella Elibar'acal. How could we let such a man back into our city without even a trail? How could we let wander our streets while he is known to be impure. How can we let him be around our most rare and beloved children when his hands are stained with the blood of the Most Blessed? "We must not allow this any longer fellow citizens of Haelun'or, this ‘ata must be held accountable for all his evil actions before he takes another life within out walls!"
  11. OOC ((MC Name: samsan99 )) ((Discord: samsan99#1734 )) ((Timezone: GMT+8 )) IN-CHARACTER What is your name? Alia Tartarus Why seek membership to the Mages Guild? To further progress my own study & knowledge as well as aiding others seeking to learn. What arts, if any, do you currently practice? Fire evocation, Conjuration, Transfiguration. What position do you desire to attain upon acceptance? An Adeptus Majoris of the The Artificum When should you be contacted for an interview? Whenever suits the guild best.
  12. Well the cost I'd hope change based of the size of land you are attempting to get and control not a simple flat price for all land, that's kinda silly. Nation or no nation. Still not big enough to class as a nation, then hold it as martial wealth rather then mina. I assumed you are where refencing real life economics, Doing the same thing in a large city vs a small one has a massive cost difference, its nearly always more expensive for the smaller cities, just comes from having people to use and more resources being available. Again this is fantasy, we should maybe use it as a base but mimicking real life down to small details is hardly why we are here.
  13. Put your mina into material wealth and sell it off when needed, Come up with some thing different to bring money into your group, go into debt with the money lenders that are going to pop up (( like my group! )), Find ways around it and think outside the box, Be creative!. If you want real economics a small group with less money, manpower and resources should cost more then a nation with both? so lets not start with that. Its a make believe RP server after all. This is something being worked on coastally and adjusted was needed, to stop massive hordes of mina sitting around. Though that fee it would be nice if the post state if its a monthly/week/deposit charge or whatnot.
  14. I think the temple should be small and basic, clearly marked road to the nations or fast travel (( maybe free if the nation pays for it )). It doesn't need the library, massive grounds that take up a quarter of the map. Make travelling easily from CT to all Nations marked roads and routes. No resource pits, Maybe a resource island like we have a few maps ago with ways or shops to get the blocks you usually cant gather. Keep the farm is helps out the new players. I don't think the CT should attempt to be massive, grand or a significant hub of RP just a simple starting point for us on the new land and a place to re-spawn once we die.
  15. Why not a system that is more a guideline that only comes into effect if two groups cant agree, and make it light so to remove as many OOC blocks to RP as possible. Just have a 'guidelines' for recommended raid size, Defends vs attackers ratio, what makes a valid war claim for Conquest, pillage etc. Plus whatever other issues come up during wartime. Not everyone is going to get along that is just a fact, cant deiced on one bit of the raid sizes & CDS? Then both sides are forced to use the guideline limits, and that's the end of the topic. One side doesn't think the Reason is Valid? have a way for the attackers to prove it is valid, and once it is the claim is set in that way for war unless something dramatically changes. Are they going to war solely for aggression? Than have a set of guidelines for that if the sides cant figure it out. I believe too many rules, restrictions and limits on RP drains people drive to play and will make the system fail once again. Let RP be RP, getting in the way with OOC makes anger and even more hate between groups.
  16. RP Name:: Freyr Belance MC Username: samsan99 Discord: samsan99#1734 What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Paladins/North gate. Why Do You Wish To Come?: To assist my fellow Paladins What Skills Can You Bring?: Paladin magic, Fighting, medical knowledge & Craftsmanship
  17. At lest you put it to use man, been sitting around gathering dust for too long.
  18. Just here to help you member it luv, about what we talked about in discord.
  19. Ahh I do think that is a much better way to have it still not keen on the time but I see why it works but I do enjoy the middle ground there is no willing/unwilling gap.
  20. When you first join the magic they should know IC/OOCly they are giving apart of their characters soul to a deity and there are punishments for breaking it. Only punishing the strongest even though all should be taking his duty on in the same way apart from the few newest to his order. If it is done as a punishment I think t3 should be effected even if it isnt as much as a t5. they have been in the order awhile and should of know right from wrong when it comes to duty. If they just go "I dont want/cant do this" they would be getting Dc'ed willingly and wouldn't get as much as a punishment at lest the way it is now
  21. I disagree with the changes to disconnection and for that you should just go with Tsu's lore. Willingly leaves no effects and if it is against their will/punishment for failure the effects are perm and cant be escaped from even if you deity jump at most it should just lessen the effects.
  22. We are no more rusted now than any other suit of armor a warrior would have. Rust would just weaken the plate and the whole knight himself with more than a single smith among their ranks it is not hard to maintain the current knights as near prefect when they are not fighting. This may be the original but they have been though a few changes since than as well.
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