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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Jistuma

  1. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What was the last heroic act done by the father of the Doomforge?

  2. Who is head of the Event Team?

  3. How would I make an application thing for a bird girl who has wings and is covered in feathers?

  4. these statuses wouldn't happen if antags listened to feedback and changed based off player opinion polls. statistics don't lie

  5. My luck likes to flip. Took out a Dread Knight unscathed, only to lose 400 minas gambling with Rosso.

  6. In fire evocation, is it possible for that flame to catch and spread? If so, does this fire begin to act like normal fire and does not extinguish upon loss of focus? And would it put further strain on mana regardless of whether or not it was the arcane flame you originally summoned?

  7. In fire evocation, is it possible for that flame to catch and spread? If so, does this fire begin to act like normal fire and does not extinguish upon loss of focus? And would it put further strain on mana regardless of whether or not it was the arcane flame you originally summoned?

  8. Does anyone know who's in charge of recruiting for Frost Witches?

  9. Thank you to the Harbingers for doing a fun attack on Ac'Talareh

  10. How do i make a Warclaim to take over Vaerhaven?

  11. What's the average height of an orc?

  12. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: How many types of Dryad are there?

  13. Did you know that pika means cock in portuguese?

  14. Anyone know what the IG year was when Luminaire (Old Malinor) fell?

  15. Anyone know what the IG year was when Luminaire (Old Malinor) fell?

  16. I just had a fight with another orc, mine's a half orc. My character wielded a sharpened loaf of stale bread. And _Kraal_'s character wielded duel katana-carrots or something. he got rekt.

  17. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What was the first capital city to be captured by the Black Scourge?

  18. ...Where again the the rules does it say 'Pugsying is a permaban' again? :I

  19. Logging onto LOTC properly for the first time in god knows how long.

  20. If you were pugsied after the battle against the antags today, message me.

  21. I get to learn how to do this http://gyazo.com/6aaf4380beeec0584af3e512b8d7981f so I can teach future generations to do this "4+4=8"

  22. What is void translocation?

  23. I am back.. ( I cried.. thank you. )

  24. The success rate on enchanting is a damn joke and needs to be fixed. It shouldn't cost 80 emeralds and 10 diamonds to get Looting I and still fail after all of that.

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