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Status Replies posted by Nug

  1. What to do now...

  2. Anyone know when the Cleric meeting at the crossroads is?

  3. Green is definitely not a creative color.

  4. *logs on* *sees young child being drowned to death, and a doctor saying he could have a much better way of causing pain to the small child* *logs off*

  5. I guess that should be sent in a PM then and be ignored.

  6. That depressing moment when you're beaten down by a halfling in a bunny costume...

  7. I had a great year and a half as Sala.

  8. Well, it seems the next stage of my adventure on LotC has begun!

  9. WTB moar goblins. How am I supposed to write about batshit crazy goblins if we haz none?

  10. I'm glad Kha no longer have a limit on their population

  11. Hoping to get accepted!

  12. Hey hobbits? You got a new baby in Lenfarthing :3

  13. i've only been away a week and i miss you all already!

  14. What should Verden name his vulture?

  15. I could use a nice injection of happiness and energy right now. ;I

  16. They see my sparkles, they hatin'.

  17. http://pandasrcute2.deviantart.com/art/Waffle-Man-and-Dino-Sir-323750931?q=gallery:pandasrcute2/38672454&qo=42 Panda wants you all to memroize this drawing for the awesomeness that is going to be her newest masterpiece * Confidence * ^w^
  18. Mmmm that smoooth jazz...

  19. Just donated my first $25! ^^ So what do I get exactly for Iron status?

  20. As per the usual, I doubt the server will be back up tonight. I'm going to sleep in that case.

  21. Well I got Priam's citizenship application in!

  22. There it goes again! :P

  23. You guys need dubstep in your lives.

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