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The Cleaning Crew

Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by The Cleaning Crew

    1. Free The Hobbits
    2. Temp


      ... Fail does not properly depict this issue.

    3. Amorphbutt


      I wonder how to do this... OH I KNOW! Let's stab a hole through it!

  1. Perhaps it's time for me to make a new character. What do you think I should be?

  2. Song of the day.

    1. The Cleaning Crew

      The Cleaning Crew

      That is one talented fish.

  3. Second song of the day; Bonus: Animation

  4. Oops, forgot the song of the day. I'll do two tomorrow to make up for it.

  5. It's friday and I have no plans whatsoever. I need ideas for stuff to do, guys.

  6. Are American accents as unexciting to others as they are to us? Also, still open to good orc quote suggestions for Meet The Orc.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PtahWithin


      But den ther ar d' Neuw Yourker accent, Y' know?

    3. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      So the Ohio one

    4. Shadeleaf


      New England then, we'll I think we dictate our words correctly, and with correct emphasis, we sound pretty cool

  7. I need a good orc quote. Help me out here.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. IrishPerson
    3. craotor


      We dead so it dont count* a correction to my quote

    4. The Cleaning Crew

      The Cleaning Crew

      I like yours so far, Craotor.

  8. For some reason, I can't find the Application Archive. Where'd it go?

    1. Telanir


      It has... vanished. For... ever. D:

    2. The Cleaning Crew

      The Cleaning Crew


      Well...I was gonna try to find my original app, but I guess I won't now...

  9. Snow days always turn out less eventful than I imagine they will be.

  10. Song of the day.

    1. Telanir


      Ooh, there are going to be songs of the day? Awesome. :D

    2. Telanir


      Oh god. wth o_o

      (jk) :3

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