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Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

Iron VIP
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Status Updates posted by Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

  1. Do cloud temple village charters cost minas, or ar e they free like wilderness ones?

    1. williewonka01


      They cost minas it is only free in the wilds.

  2. Does anyone know if it would be possible, given proper rp reasoning, to have a small region made ( just for a house, maybe a small farm), a bit away from a road?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. V0idsoldier


      With proper VIP claims I don't see why not.

    3. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Not 100% sure, but I don't think VIP gives land claims anymore.

    4. V0idsoldier


      Yeah wasn't sure on that either. Worth checking out though!

  3. Does the command for forum-link signs still work? If so, what is it?

  4. Don't think I've ever been quite as bad at anything as I am at league.

  5. Ear infections are by far, the worst infections.

    1. Arbrek the Ancient

      Arbrek the Ancient

      No, no, they're really not. They do suck though.

    2. ek_knight


      Not by a long shot.

    3. ShadowoKing


      How about glue ear, got it and its worse.

  6. Elves actually won a warclaim!

    1. Pureimp10


      lol, there's gonna be a BR going up, or so I heard.

    2. The Thought Police

      The Thought Police

      The real question is, did the Elves actually do anything but stand on trees in that warclaim?

    3. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      We didn't get a chance to :c. Was over before it begun.

  7. Embermoore fight was the best I've had in a while, thanks you guys.

    1. DruinsBane


      Thank you. We tried, towards the end it got a little cluttered. But we hope to host more in the future.

  8. ESO No longer has a monthly sub. Anyone want to play in a group sometime?

    1. Nug



    2. ThumperJack
    3. Booklight12


      60 dollars so naw. I only play free to play!

  9. Every time I use an Auctioneer I end up spending ten minutes trying to figure out what I got that 400 minas from.

  10. Exactly how do I get my forum status changed to donor? I donated back around xmas and still no green name.

    1. everblue2er101
    2. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Ok, I don't have a reciept, but would it be possible to instead verify in-game that I've donated?

    3. Eledyr


      I think that any administrator could change it, not sure tho

  11. Far Cry 3 has ruined water for me forever.

    1. Nononymous


      I get terrified every time I see it in game.

    2. DrakeHaze.


      I swam from Hoyt's Island to the other island. So many sharks chasing me. It was fun xD

  12. finally heading home from Myrtle Beach. in 6~ hours, i shall again be able to rejoin you.

  13. Finally unlocked a second SS slot. Anyone know the time for a third?

  14. First day of school... Just kill me now.

    1. Dyn


      Have fun. I still have a short while (week)

    2. The Womping Wizard
    3. o_Ben_o


      Oh no! No more Relgard!

  15. Fixed the page issue on the survey. Sorry.

  16. Four hours later, Cerulin housing is fixed. Finally.

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