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Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by nppeck

  1. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: According to some Humans, what was the first meal Horen had?

  2. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: According to some Humans, what was the first meal Horen had?

  3. Damn Scots, they ruin Scotland!

  4. Anyone watch Legend of Korra?

  5. who here has the highest post-rep ratio

  6. The real question is, do code monkeys eat bananas?

  7. "Only two things in life are certain, Death and Taxes" - Benjamin Franklin.

  8. My kettle broke, so I made my tea in a frying pan #ingenuity

  9. Any FMs around? I request a ban on my forum account. I made this request on my leaving post and no one managed to do it. So if anyone can do it , please do it now. In addition to this, I am no longer using skype, so dont expect me to get on. cutting all ties and memories if lotc and the addiction is too much

  10. So...Attack on Titan is a pretty okay show.

  11. I don't think many players and even some staff know the building and landscape rules. I think a link is needed... http://www.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?/info/rules

  12. LOTC I'm comin back!!

  13. I don't think many players and even some staff know the building and landscape rules. I think a link is needed... http://www.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?/info/rules

  14. How is it I have never seen more than 4/5 tuetons/blackmonts in one place, but come war time you literally cannot see the floor in a sea of iron?

  15. 'And who are you', the proud lord said, 'that I must bow so low?'

  16. Idea for a whitelist app bio: "My parents were killled by White Roses and I'm training in combat to get revenge on them and slay them all!"

  17. Oh, hey look Panda is banned. * Shrugs and goes to play video games with her whole family * Wheeee!!

  18. Remember those daily events in Aegis. What happened to them? The most exciting thing in the week was a storm. -.-

  19. I wish I could -1 this one post....it literally made no sense at all.

  20. Got a swollen gum at the back of my molar, could be a growing Wisdom Tooth, Gingivitis, or as WebMD usually suggests: cancer. I'm guessing Wisdom Tooth as it's only affecting one particular area. Hurts like hell when I open my mouth or try eating.

  21. H-Hey. Hi there. Yes. Yes you. Yeah, you. Come here. Y-You want some happiness? Hrm? It's free! Here, take some. It's right here, in the ZOMBIE ROLEPLAY in the OFF TOPIC section! Join us today!

  22. Thinking about making an elf to see what it's like.

  23. Thinking about making an elf to see what it's like.

  24. Why didn't we stay in 1.5? It was so much better then 2.5/2.5.2 3x

  25. meh, hawk leaving will give someone who is more qualified for the job the opportunity to take his place

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