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Status Replies posted by Avacyn

  1. I'm going to form an Order of the Blue Rose, dedicated to killing the Order of the Red Rose.

  2. I'm going to form an Order of the Blue Rose, dedicated to killing the Order of the Red Rose.

  3. Since pigs can be ridden now. Are they techincally going to be rp as horses

  4. "NOT MY MANHOOD!" #Lancelquotes

  5. If you could only see the beast you've made of me, I held it in but now it seems you've set it running free. Screaming in the dark, I howl when we're apart, Drag my teeth across your chest to taste your beating heart

  6. I swear nothing can ever be easy, can it...

  7. Can anybody recommend a good movie to go see? Other than the Hobbit?

  8. Court of Oren crashed the server. GG.


  10. Universal Studios today. Special express passes for ever ride xd.

  11. Hooray, I'm innocent. Thanks Mogroka :)

  12. Hooray, I'm innocent. Thanks Mogroka :)

  13. Hooray, I'm innocent. Thanks Mogroka :)

  14. Just like to give a thank-you to everyone who's supported me, and not believed that I'm "Boxxy". It's been tough.

  15. Just like to give a thank-you to everyone who's supported me, and not believed that I'm "Boxxy". It's been tough.

  16. Just like to give a thank-you to everyone who's supported me, and not believed that I'm "Boxxy". It's been tough.

  17. Just like to give a thank-you to everyone who's supported me, and not believed that I'm "Boxxy". It's been tough.


  19. Well, I just got shut down, because some jerks decided to get me banned by pretending to be me in Teamspeak and claim I was Boxxy. Thanks for everything, LotC. I really wish I would have gotten more of a say, and that all the "evidence" wasn't all taken by some idiot in Teamspeak.

  20. Moogle seemed a good RPer when I passed him, and if he is supposed to be boxxy, why don't we let him get Teamspeak and just talk to us...prove it then and there ;o

  21. Moogle seemed a good RPer when I passed him, and if he is supposed to be boxxy, why don't we let him get Teamspeak and just talk to us...prove it then and there ;o

  22. I'm just going to say - Several people claiming that MerryMoogle is Boxxy does not count as "proof". I could say that shiftnative is boxxy, but does that make it real evidence? No.

  23. I'm just going to say - Several people claiming that MerryMoogle is Boxxy does not count as "proof". I could say that shiftnative is boxxy, but does that make it real evidence? No.

  24. I'm just going to say - Several people claiming that MerryMoogle is Boxxy does not count as "proof". I could say that shiftnative is boxxy, but does that make it real evidence? No.

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