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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Avacyn

  1. People do not understand how excited I am for 3.0.

  2. Which would you rather? "28 Days Later" Zombies (so to speak) or "The Walking Dead" Zombies.

  3. How easy is it to make an image of a 3d rendered Minecraft skin next to an object (say, a tree)?

  4. Mirtok! It's okay! Your appeal lasts longer than mine can.

  5. Quick! Everybody behave rationally!

  6. Ya, just got a brand new mac. Now just to figure out how to use mine craft... damn it...

  7. just lost a game of blackjack, busted out so hard that I bet my leg hair, and now that I lost my friends are shaving it off :( I'll post pics l8r m8

  8. Quote of the day, can you guess who said this? "Ride Shadowfax, show us the meaning of haste."

  9. ((VonSchlichtenCO Engineering in SPAaaaaaace http://i.imgur.com/WgsuGbA.png ))

  10. Oh crap, Russia just got hit by a meteor!

  11. Goodbye VAT, I can now become a S.I.R, Spartan In Retirement.

  12. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: In which order did Laurelin, Kal'Urguan, Al'Khazar and Winterfell fall to the Undead, starting with the first?

  13. I need Valentine. Wub mi pleez?

  14. Rhianna, you really are a fantastic woman.

  15. #ihateitwhenpeopledon'tputspacesinsetencesbutbecauseitishashtagican'twritewithpropergrammarsonoperiodthusnotmakingitasentencesoi'mnotahypocrit

  16. #ihateitwhenpeopledon'tputspacesinsetencesbutbecauseitishashtagican'twritewithpropergrammarsonoperiodthusnotmakingitasentencesoi'mnotahypocrit

  17. I'm excited for 3.0's nearing release, are you?

  18. If you could add one food from RL into lotc, what would it be?

  19. You people need to learn to listen to both sides of a situation before jumping to conclusions about lies spewed by a banned player. I'm really dissapointed.

  20. You people need to learn to listen to both sides of a situation before jumping to conclusions about lies spewed by a banned player. I'm really dissapointed.

  21. With the extremely low resolution available for Minecraft skins, it's impossible to make a face expressing any emotion but blank surprise without it looking ridiculous. A face without any features, however, allows anyone looking at it to imagine whatever expression fits the character's (dynamic) mood. It looks mildy creepy at first, but I think it works. Image attached. http://i.imgur.com/TeQp9Zr.png?1

  22. I wish lotc wasn't ruined for me, someone should suggest a better rp server for me I need to get some rp done :/ I'm dyin of rp starvation here.

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