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Status Updates posted by Grouchy

  1. T'is a good day when you meet two fine dwed lads http://gyazo.com/2f5e54d1bb8e1fd4215f686ca64bf1e1

  2. How do I successfully upload a new image

    1. Space


      Host it at imgur.com and copy the image url (ends with .png) and use %7Boption%7D

  3. The video that made me join

  4. seriously are they hosting this server on a laptop

  5. This lag is real

  6. why must i be spongebob gif

    1. Dreek


      it's the default gif if the one you uploaded doesn't work

  7. classic showcase of fine dwarven PvP

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rivk Zavadsky
    3. Grouchy


      Shame about the music but still a fine selection

    4. Samler


      Now, where can we see the fine dwarven RP?

  8. people standing around roleplaying'ly kissing young females in a fantasy minecraft universe is gross

    1. dank


      tbh grouchy youre pretty gross too not gonna lie

    2. Grouchy
  9. Nekobasu Iceland we hanging down in the Iceland

    1. monkeypoacher


      If someone were to run a salt mill on LoTC, they would bathe in monies

  10. I'm Iron VIP now can i have OP ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  11. Its coming up to December which means disgusting snow has been placed around our plot ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. L0rdLawyer


      Not when Hu-din finds the plot. Then that will change.

    3. Mankaar


      Your name fits your comment.

    4. Swannick
  12. There is 5 people online which mean it's time to raid

  13. After nearly 3 years, I think I might donate some $$$

  14. why is minecraft such a terribly built game

  15. Any architects interested in making a dwarf build for eastpoint

    1. Kardel


      Ill build it for 500 minas if materials are provided. I can make it for 1400 minas with no materials provided.

    2. Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      no you will probably steal the buidling materials

    3. Grouchy


      Hahahahaha yes i will

  16. Wow shaders mod is pretty awesome

    1. + Reggieo +

      + Reggieo +

      Omg Yes, Brings to life the game so much more!

  17. Who were those tribal people with blue/red body paint in Anthos remember walking past them once,

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kickstarted and Running
    3. ski_king3
    4. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      The Dal'Driad painted themselves, the Subudai did not.

  18. who can i buy mossybrick off of

  19. who wants to build a building in eastpoint

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