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Status Replies posted by DragoonCrow

  1. Only about 2 weeks after launch, and already an event! http://gyazo.com/c98b9c024b2ee8650ac27da2821f7084

  2. Hows everyone? I hope you're enjoying your game~ http://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/

  3. Write up a big thread, spin round and smash my knee of my bed. Fantastic.

  4. Just finished applying primer to 10 of the warhammer figurines I got yesterday.... only about 60-ish more to go.

  5. So er... How rare is a Creeper Skull?

  6. So, that sheriff asked me for a date. I think I see a possible boyfriend in the future. Wish me luck ~

  7. IS Code Geass worth getting into?

  8. You know back in Mother Russia, one sandwich feeds an entire village for 30 days!

  9. Legs locked up with lactic acid? (Insanity wolf). 5 LAPS FULL SPRINT AROUND THE HOUSE!!!!

  10. How juicy on a scale of Aptrotta to Posco is Juicy Rhino

  11. Rome 2... Not as good as Shogun 2 or the original Rome, but fun nonetheless.

  12. The 10th person to vote and post on this status gets a clue to a self teaching magic book

  13. Well , I got No RP killed when no staff are online. Fantastic. :L

  14. Just thought I'd let all you Rome:TW2 fanboys know that you are actually playing some of Europa Barbarorum because Creative Assembly was butthurt that the EB Team did an awesome job modding the original RTW ;)

  15. Gentlemen, we've managed to survive monday. The worst day of the week has been defeated once again. Only 4 days left until the weekend... duh ;-;

  16. I got lazy in the middle of drawing this, sorry: http://i.imgur.com/40DsSFo.jpg

  17. Oh server, you pick the best times to crash. -.-

  18. Turns out I didn't have practice and now I'm stuck at the field... Nice.

  19. I am impressed with the different human cultures becoming more set in stone in respective regions. Rather than an amalgamous blob of a a single human culture.

  20. Who leads the Teutons now?

  21. Mmmph, mmph, mmm mmmpmh mmm mmm MMMMPH!

  22. Crashed during the last line of Mean Women, Jane Eyre Dies ^^ I hope all who attended it enjoyed it! We just need to finish the bowing when we come back~

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