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Status Replies posted by SortedJarhead

  1. Saying 'I don't know who let you stay here' is bullying. Why can't we all just be nice to eachother?

  2. Saying 'I don't know who let you stay here' is bullying. Why can't we all just be nice to eachother?

    1. SortedJarhead


      Then dont bully me i am not the plauge nor am i stupid i amhuman i deaerve respect

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  3. Saying 'I don't know who let you stay here' is bullying. Why can't we all just be nice to eachother?

    1. SortedJarhead


      I cut myself because of Cynd. Not deep but i cry.

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  4. Tyrion Lannister has to be the cutest thing ever.

  5. Don't for get AT, reports are due today!

  6. How much money would a brothel close to the cloud refuge make I wonder

  7. How much money would a brothel close to the cloud refuge make I wonder

  8. Trying to think if a new character. My current one feels dragged out... Any one have any open spots that need filling?

  9. i am frickin epic. ate some moutain dew and killed some poop merchants in call of duty

  10. an elf called me edgy lol

  11. Need to think of a good backstory for my application. Would really hate to have to apply twice over some minor error. Pleh.

  12. The person that was wondering about the removal of the crypt plug-in, I will simply say no, it is here for rp, as the monks heal you.

  13. So, who has snapchat?

  14. What happened to the Imperial Army post? That was the military for the Kingdom. I demand explanation

  15. sortedjarhead is a god

  16. What happened to the Imperial Army post? That was the military for the Kingdom. I demand explanation

  17. What happened to the Imperial Army post? That was the military for the Kingdom. I demand explanation

  18. The Imperial Army is recruiting tell yo friends

  19. House cuda to arms!

  20. RIP me I'm the plauge of this server

  21. New Lord FTW: A troll is a small mythical creature believed to get into a person's head and cause them to act in strange ways. The best known example comes from human mythology where a person ran around in all black calling himself "Batman". The only known cure for trolls is to capture them and perform all sorts of special magical cures on them until they behave normally.

  22. *is looking back through the year at controversial topics. Feels pissed now. Dammit.*

  23. Guys, I was looking at a br in Aegis, I hate all of you. I was a 12 year old getting bullied by 20 year old neckbeards who didn't try to help me :( I am crying.

  24. wait so i can't troll anymore?

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