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Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by atticusmas

  1. LOVE the new front page

  2. Dat awkward moment where your lady friend turns out to be a villain,

    1. Sinstrite
    2. AlphaCentaurus


      Dat awkward moment where your lady friend turns out to be not only a villain but an impersonator, and actually a man.

    3. atticusmas


      Now dat is just wrong.

  3. Just got a C+ on a test that i thought i did REALLY good on D:

  4. I probably will not be in game til friday, to all who care.

    1. everblue2er101


      Sometimes lurking the forums is far more entertaining anyways...

    2. Yamnothere


      *sadface ''Dat's alright, I wont either''

  5. Whats old hat?

    1. everblue2er101


      Non-VIPs with 200+ posts

  6. Your awesome. Nuff said

  7. Just learned that a member is spending their daily quota of -1s on me....:/

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. atticusmas
    3. craotor


      Perma banned twice and hes still on server?lol for me a perma ban should actualy be well you kow perma ban

    4. brvhrt1005


      Taking a Guess, Collin?

  8. *battle of renatus starts* Brace yourselves, the ban reports are coming.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nononymous


      ^^ The battle has only just begun...

    3. atticusmas
    4. Nononymous


      ^^ That is what you think. The ban hammer is yet to be swung....

  9. Renatus battle. Server crashes. Okay.

    1. JoakimVonAnka


      I would guess that the reason for crash was because of the huge amount of orcs that was send back to the monks. :P

  10. Forum rp. GO!

    1. KoTo
    2. Shuness


      Vaq decided one day to blow up the world. The End.

  11. Its alright everyone, MC is back up!~

  12. Guys. When your writing a Va, or charter, or whatever, REMEMBER TO SAVE IT :'(

    1. danic


      Words of wisdom.......

    2. everblue2er101


      I have literally everything I ever wrote for the server saved on Word docs.

  13. Thinking about making an anti hero app...hmm...

  14. My user rating went down to four stars D:

  15. Dat 12 of February.

  16. Sometimes, i just want to shrivel up and die. This is one of those days.

  17. Whats cybering?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Beldion (Torok_Whitestorm)

      Beldion (Torok_Whitestorm)

      Its when a lonely person meets another on a RP server and decide cause they cant talk to opposite sex IRL they will talk and have sex with them over the interwebs >.>

    3. Lykos


      and most often that female in the pair is a dude irl.

    4. Redbaron™
  18. ʎpoqʎɹǝʌǝ ıɐɥ

    1. Sinstrite


      ¡pɐǝɥ ʎɯ oʇ buıɥsnɹ sı pooןq ǝɥʇ ןןɐ

    2. Wobbajack
    3. Trazier


      And for a moment I thought this was more russian spam until I looked a bit closer...

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