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Status Updates posted by Kiiztria

  1. Dem feels though

    1. Demotheus


      Feels? What feels? Huh?

    2. AgentSunny


      I don't have feel-HAH, HAHA, HAHAHA, yea these are still typed laughs they don't count.

  2. Well this New Years thing was lame

  3. I do not like the Team Leader colors... Change them back

  4. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/96913-idea-sifting/ Feel free to post some feedback! Thanks, Y'all are beautiful!
  5. Oops alarm didnt go off for school. Guess Im not going for the last day before break

  6. Whatever happened to the trolls (and no not forum trolls either)

  7. Awwww yeah. No school

    1. Thatpyrodude


      Lucky, I still have 4 days

    2. Kiiztria


      I still have the rest of the week just the "roads were to bad" theres no snow on the roads at all...

  8. Im pathetic... Im looking up tutorials on how to build in minecraft xD

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Parading


      I guess it could help if you want to just copy other people, but that kinda ruins the point. I am a **** builder, but I would rather build something with my own originality, and creativity that looks bad, then just copy other people. That is just my opinion though, I really don't care what you do :)

    3. Kiiztria


      It does help me, but I'm not actually copying his builds... Yes I am a crap builder at buildings but I am amazing at teraforming

    4. BrandNewKitten


      I would say I am one of the server's top builders. The way I practiced was I would look at pictures of builds I admired and attempted to copy parts of them. Recreating inspirational builds is one of the best things you can do to get better. Good builds are good for a reason. Don't be afraid to copy. You are just teaching yourself new styles and eventually it becomes part of your style.

  9. First Step in Civ 5: Enact World Religion... Mission: Accomplished... Next step World Ideology... Mission: Pending

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. hoodmaster906



    3. Kiiztria


      Arabia is where its at.

    4. TheRoyalOnion(Aris)


      They do have a sweet trade bonus!

  10. Woot got 3 hours college credit down woot woot in high school. This makes 6 for me :D

    1. CTap


      wow much cool

  11. You dumb dumb give me gum gum.

  12. Grumble grumble grumble

    1. cruzazul


      rumble rumble rumble

    2. Malaise


      In the jungle jungle jungle

  13. *Foo Fighters comes on the radio* My sister goes "When I think of Foo Fighters, I think of pandas. Is that weird?"... Yes that is very weird. Thanks for ruing the band for me because all I see now is panda musicians.

  14. Man I missed the bus :/ And I dont have a way to school

    1. DruinsBane


      Well lotc has a way for you to waste time.

  15. Why, why why... a pigman in iron armor... that is sick and twisted

    1. EmeraldStag


      Fear the night.

    2. Pinsir99


      Go back to the days in the Verge with 20+ Pigmen at once

    3. Kaun


      All in iron armor

  16. Just remember kids, he is outside your window.

  17. Can anyone make me a good Golem skin?

  18. How are you all on this fine day?

    1. Cryptix


      Very fine. Gotta watch my back in new malinor, titania tried to have me arrested, lol.

  19. Broke my phone. woot woot...

    1. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      Well. It seems that you have bad luck with phones. Mine is with iPods, and MP3 players. I have owned 3 and accidentally broke every single one. I have refused to buy one because of it.

    2. Dolly


      L2Otterbox... Okay kidding ^^ Sorry to hear that :( I have just about as much luck when it comes to technological devices.

  20. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/96913-idea-sifting/ Feel free to post some feedback! Thanks, Y'all are beautiful!
  21. Failed to Login: Bad Login?

  22. Grrrrrr. Minecraft is being a dumb dumb.

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