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Status Updates posted by Αμφίονας

  1. what is the command to list the staff online?

  2. Dryads and Frajurara hit you right in the manhood

    1. Arkelos


      All I see are pixels.

    2. Αμφίονας
  3. Which one would you make more interesting? Dwarves or elves?

  4. I have so many expectations from the new antagonist.

  5. Spent one year for a lore post:1 reply. Two sentences about how something does not work 15+ replies in mere minutes. I really see no point in playing this anymore.

    1. Cracker


      your lore post is long af, not everyone's gonna sit down and read it

      your feedback thread is very easily answerable by the general public

    2. gingernut97


      Give it time.

  6. http://goo.gl/uHur92 tired of arguments?read some increndibly long lore!
    1. V0idsoldier


      Hey friend, I've noticed you talking about your disappointment with lack of responses and advertising the lore. I'll give it a read right now and make a post ^.^

    2. Αμφίονας


      Thanks. Sorry for bit**ing about it , I just put a lot effort in it :).

  7. http://goo.gl/uHur92I swear to god winning a marathon on a dead turtle being pulled by slugs would be faster.
    1. Cappy


      You didn't a put a space between the link and the "I" :3

    2. Αμφίονας
  8. I am spawning inside a wall, can a gm tp me as soon as i log in or something?

    1. Space


      As soon as you log in, press e and print screen. That'll be the only way to get your **** back. Prinscreen cause then you will have the date and time. Make sure to go to paint and paste it and save the screenshot right away.

    2. Αμφίονας


      thanks bro. thankfully I had my ss on my hotbar and enough health left, in order to survive long enough to tp with it

  9. I will be on a trip for the next three days and I will not be able to reach any of you. Have fun everyone!

    1. Ursolon


      No you have fun!

  10. Posted a screenshot of a Sky-Island I made. Also why do I not get Mimas from voting? Did we remove it?

    1. Danny


      Plugin ain't working right. It'll be fixed soon.

  11. Just lost 4000 Minas 64 iron, 5golden ingots, a full iron armor a stack of bows and food. All of that because of a soul stone. Time to test the "I do not care about money" theory :)

    1. HappyShackles


      Soulstones are a pain in the arse.

  12. ส้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้=(squirrel on a fence). We could use interpeters in Lord of the Craft..

    1. Αμφίονας


      Blaw.. I mean translators. Not sure I spelled the above one right.

  13. Lock your women. Flay is back.

  14. Ten free iron to the first person I see in CT if i get one proper reply on this.

  15. Anyone know good free roleplaying games like warhammer dark heresy?

    1. Samoblivion


      Well, there's Rogue Trader if you like Dark Heresy.

  16. http://goo.gl/uHur92 Count the links. They are almost as much as the days.
  17. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/96677-a-poem-pinned-to-a-wall/ This guy's work was the most enjoyable thing I have read in months. Check it out, he's amazing.
    1. spqrSancus


      Thank you so much! It means a lot to me when someone compliments my work like that. :D Check out my blog sometime, I tend to post little poems like that there quite often.

  18. Wow, got enough references for my va. Just when I would give up

    1. SirSnowMan


      References should be removed.

  19. Do slimed spawn at all? Desperately in need of slime balls

    1. The Cleaning Crew

      The Cleaning Crew

      Don't think so. You'd have to buy 'em from someone.

  20. the server ip is mc.lotc.co?for some reason i can not log in

  21. Just logged out. The Kariks expedition could be the most epic story ever. I will probably post screenshots.

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