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Everything posted by Jimacat

  1. For anyone experiencing Christmas alone this year, try watching some Bob Ross.

  2. OOC: IGN: Jimacat How active are you?: I'm on when I can be which is like 10AM - 12PM give or take. (PST) Do you have Skype? If so post name here: parisstacy Do you have TS?: Ye. IC: Name: Alexander Bedevere Age: 75 approx. Race: Highlander Profession or other specialty: Politics. What job position are you aiming for?: Appointed Adviser. Anything extra? *blank*
  3. I) Full Name: Alexander Bedevere II) Any existing ties, worth notice: None III) Place of origin: Kingston, Salvus IV) Intention of desired strand, of the trinity (Arts, music or literature) for specialism: Literature. V) Current status of Citizenship (Salvian, or otherwise): Salvian VI) Reasoning in becoming of the Bards: To document family history. Also for money. VII) Potential projects you may aspire to do: Bedevere History, Salvian Politics, Monster Hunting Fiction. VIII) Does Salvus represent peace, or war? Peace IX) Where is the Republic located, currently? South X) Which holds more heavier punishment: Racism or Anti-Enlightenment? Anti Enlightenment XII) Which body holds highest power within the Republic? The Inner Chamber. XII) How often may the Curator of the Bards be changed, and what does this coincide with? I would guess every 3 Elven Months, coinciding with the Inner Chamber elections. OOC Section: I) Do you have Skype, for contact and general purposes? If so, what is your Skype name? Please PM me for skype ID. MC name is: Jimacat II) Do you have any questions, thoughts or confusions about what the Bards are, or what they do: or even, just wanting to challenge its existence? Nope. Not really.
  4. Name – Alexander Bedevere Age – 46 Race – Human Reason to join - I'm bored after 15 years of doing nothing. Special Skills - Sword and shield. Spying.
  5. -OOC- MC Name: Jimacat Timezone PST Skype name(Required): parisstacy Do you use TS(required): On occasion Do you have a VA? If so, for what evils: No -IC- Name Alex Age 27 Race Human Fighting skills: I have nothing left to lose. Non-Fighting skills: Blade sharpening, I've dabbled a bit into treating wounds. Does the applicant swear loyalty to the Lord Griffon, the High Ecclesiarch and his Imperial Divinity: Would the applicant be such a fool as to apply if he did not? Does the applicant believe in the Creator: Like the sky is blue. What are the applicants moral boundaries(What will he not do): I will not put down an innocent man, but of course, anyone willing to put themselves in front of a holy order such as us couldn't possibly be innocent. What is the applicants reason for joining?: I have found virtue in our creator and wish to support him any way I can. Does the applicant wish to add anything else: I have a sharp eye and I may not best be used in the front lines.
  6. Lillian inspects the note, a slight smile appearing behind her pale gray mask. She turns and begins to rumage through her rucksack, glancing up occasionally at the people who pass her by. She pulls out a capsel of ink and a quill, she quickly opens it, dipping the quill in the ink. She pulls it out and signs her name "Lillian Corvia: Doctor"
  7. MC Name:((Jimacat)) RP Name: Kyral Celdus Short Biography: My mother was a maid in Godfrey's kingdom. She wanted me to live a different life so she got enough money and sent me off, but it didn't go as well as we had hoped. I left at 6, it has been 8 years since. I wear tattered and worn-out clothes with not a single crumb or coin in my pocket. I need a job. Character Ambitions: To make enough money to support myself. Why are you joining?: To serve the empire. What do you wish to achieve? Nothing in particular. What is your profession? Maid and servant work. Valois Service Oath: I, Kyral, swear to abide by the rules and regulations of House Valois. By repeating this oath and signing this document, I understand that I am dedicated to serving under House Valois until the day that I am dismissed from my duties. I swear to respect all nobility that be in my presence, and to respect all serfs that be in my presence. Lastly, I swear to abide by the House Motto first said by Balian Guivret, “To act for others, to serve the empire.”
  8. 6/10 Second time seeing you but I suspect your fairly active on the fourms
  9. 11/10 I can watch that cat for hours on end
  10. 5/10 I'm more active on the fourms then you think
  11. Mc Name-Jimacat Rp Name-Vinyl Age-18 Old Jobs and Work- I was a Naval Gunner for Oren Skills for odd jobs? (Mining/Lumberjacking/Etc)- None Weapon of Choice and ye mastery with that? Tomahawk(Axe mastery lv20) Why do ye wish to Join the Lances? I wish to do something more with my life. Do ye take the Oath-needed- Yes *Vinyl folds the letter and gives it to his hawk*
  12. OOC MC Name: Jimacat Sword and Bow Levels: Sword:15 Bow:8 Have you ever been banned or had a ban report posted on you: No IC Name: Adeiu Race: Human Weapon of choice: Throwing knives Combat Expierience (Guilds, training): Training, getting into fights Factions you have fought against: None Do you have any non-combat related skills: Farming Why you wish to join us: I wish to do more with my life then just live. Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability- 1. You have recently raided a slave traders base along with four other rangers, and rescued 9 slaves in the process. You set up camp for the night but only have enough food for ten people, and you cannot leave the camp as there are monsters lurking all around. What do you do? Give all the slaves food and split the last food into four pieces and share with the other rangers 2. As you jump from tree to tree in a forest somewhere in Asulon, you see a noble looking man being help up by a bandit on the path. The noble is reaching into his pouch to hand over his money to the bandit as he is defenseless, and the bandit is holding a knife to the nobles throat, with a longsword at his side. How do you handle this situation? I would jump on the bandit and hit him with the hilt of my knife in the head, If he isn't out by that I will ask the noble man to help. 3. You and three other rangers are escorting a high profile noble through a valley near Renatus when suddenly a group of bandits ambush your unit and you are knocked unconscious. You awake to find two of your friends dead, and the remaining three of you tied to a tree. Your friends remain unconscious and you can see the man you were escorting being dragged away into the hills by the bandits. Your weapons have been take and your hands are bound but the dagger of one of your fallen comrades lies but a meter from you. How do you escape and complete your mission? Reach to the knife with my legs and slowly move it to my hands. I then cut myself out of the rope and run over the hill. I would throw my knife at the man dragging the noble. I grab the noble and run, ignoring any wounds I might get.
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