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Iron VIP
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Everything posted by Yoff

  1. I think it feels too christ-massy. Maybe we could have something more original for LotC.
  2. Proud in being part of the Group: Members.

    1. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      We are the spine of the server!

  3. I think even I, will take a break from LotC until 2.5 or if I get word that it has been cleared up.

    1. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      yeah.. come back w/ some pirate


    2. Yoff


      Maybe. . .


  4. Yoff

    Whooo! Thanks for accepting my VA.

    Also, Price doesn't like armor, or able to carry it for that matter. So, don't even worry about it. C:

  5. Well, I don't care how many leave. Il stay.

  6. My life for Aiur!

  7. Untrue, I am only spamming it on people's statuses.

  8. Feels!

    1. Kaiser








    2. Gladuos


      I know that feel bro

  9. Say, if there are torches. Is there Lanterns in LotC....

    1. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      I don't see the problem with RPing a lantern. Go for it.

  10. I don't like this idea, it feels that LotC will start moving into steampunk. Otherwise this idea is fantastic and it is well written. I don't mean to hate on anything written, its just my personal opinion on why I don't want telescopes.
  11. Turned down a couple of friends to play LotC. Yep, its taken a new level.

    1. rukio


      You addict you

    2. rukio


      You addict you

    3. The 5'th Friar~

      The 5'th Friar~

      Welcome to my world, "Hey man! Want to come over to my place today?" "Sorry, but there's this really cool RP going on."

  12. I am getting bored of LotC. Any interesting things going on one could be part of.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}
    3. Alec


      I always used to take nice breaks from LotC, but I never did get bored of it. Seeing as how that's possible, I recommend one. Aryon's server sounds like fun. But don't leave, 3.0 Is going to be the best thing ever! We're reworking almost every aspect of plugins to match Orthodox Roleplay for when 3.0 is released. It will be grand! :)

    4. MonkeyCoffee


      One does not simply get boref of LoTC

  13. House Sillygoose will rise!

    1. Geo
    2. rukio


      Not you too....why so many houses...xD

    3. rukio


      Not you too....why so many houses...xD

  14. ((Do Paladins not get any magic anymore?)) Roy begins to dwell in his mind, thinking of perhaps becoming a Paladin. He frowns and holds his empty scabbard tighter, feeling a slight rage.
  15. Yoff

    The Purge

    *Takes out quill from his leather long coat, and begins to write in discretion.* MC NAME - ((Icelifreakx)) RP NAME - "Leymore the Marksman some call me." Combat Skills - "I am very skilled with a blade ((100)) as with a bow ((75)). I am also a master infiltrator." ((100)) Non Combat Skills - "I can cook up most things. Don't expect it to be the tastiest thing ever." ((25)) Are you willing to fight - "Of course, long have I lived in all this."
  16. I'd like to know where can I learn Orcish. I really want to become a Goblin but I don't know much about Orich.

    1. Slic3man


      You'll find information on it in the Orcish section. Just make sure to RP a goblin correctly, and not a small suicidal creature.

    2. Scarlet Kaiser

      Scarlet Kaiser

      You can also a book about

      the Orcish Language IG at

      certain libraries in


    3. Aryon


      Scarlet, where are these books? The Orcish Langauge cannot be written down on paper...

  17. LoL question: Should I get Darius or Yorick?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Shady


      - looks at Panda and the burning picture, nodding frantically " Shady thinks Panda did good ! " -

      On another note: If you have a good team go for Yorick, if not, Darius would be your best option.

    3. V0idsoldier


      Darius if your new, he is easy mode. Yorick if your kind of new, but have some skill, he is god mode.

    4. Steviathon
  18. I think its a great event, and I can't wait to see it happen. +1
  19. [Reserved] ((Would we be able to hold the title of 'Ser' if I am a knight?))
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