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Status Updates posted by dandan1350

  1. Do you see what you get, Carla? Do you see what you get when you mess with the warrior!?

    1. Samoblivion


      Oh, Chocolate Bear...

    2. Emenzi


      Don't you dare to call him Chocolate Bear! He's my Chocolate Bear not yours!

    3. Eetswa


      I am a real man. And real men can have babies!!

  2. Dont log out ;-;

  3. Dylan's grillin' a dinosaur apparently.

  4. Flicking through the VA apps realising I don't really deserve to try and get a VA...

  5. For anyone who's ever RPed with me! Could you please give me your opnions about it?

  6. Found the first halo game hidden in my cuboard. Awh yis.

    1. Pinsir99


      Halo: Combat Evolved?

    2. MonkeyCoffee
    3. Pinsir99


      He said /First/ Halo game.

  7. Fredreich the Itharel is born

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bircalin


      way t00 many itharel rite now

    3. J


      tfw haven't seen an Itharel in over a month

    4. Dromui


      There are three right now.

  8. Gott love mining, found an enchanting tome :') Now I can make some mina off it.

  9. Here comes the propaganda.....

  10. Hooch is crazy...

  11. How does mining even work? Veteran level is just netherquartz

  12. How does mining even work? Veteran level is just netherquartz

  13. Howdy folks! While yes, it is our teams job to create event lines. I'd also like to put out there if you have something in mind for an event you think could be fun and inviting then feel free to drop it into my message box with a general idea or a full drawn out event! I'll happily work alongside you and find you actors who are interested in this also!


  14. I dun goofed.. Sorry everyone, fixing now.

  15. I feel exactly those feelings too and that's why I keep them inside 'cause this bear, can't bare the world disdain and sometimes is easier to hide.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. dandan1350
    3. Emenzi



      "No hands."

    4. Tadmonster


      I love this show as much as the next guy...but wtf.

  16. I have... So much food in minecraft...

    1. Idiot14yearoldminecraftplayer
    2. Lym


      Commence Night Raid Operation on Stafyrs!

  17. I'm alive, ish.

    1. ShameJax


      Cancel operation 666, we can not perform with the doctor alive.

  18. I'm just gonna sit here... In my empty cleric base... Dammit Hosper...

  19. I've been entrusted to go to school when I don't have free periods >_> My parents will never learn.

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