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Status Updates posted by steelersfan1221

  1. #Thu'um4FancyFedora2012

  2. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

    Why ~ do ~ you ~ have ~ squiggly ~ in ~ your ~ name ~


  3. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Slic3man



    3. steelersfan1221



    4. steelersfan1221



  4. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ #ThankYouDeanHall http://www.youtube.com/user/nwsbninja I'll be posting DayZ Standalone content soon. Come watch me poop.

  5. 2012 in review. Pretty cool:

    I'd check it out.
  6. 28 Votes Until we move up a place! Go and vote now! http://www.xtremetop100.com/in.php?site=1132329774

  7. 3500 active posts. Gratz. *appplauds*

  8. A lot of people did not appreciate what you did for the server, but I certainly did. You may not know me, but thank you for everything you have done for us. I really dislike how a certain group of members of the community have so much disrespect for you. But again, I believe that you have done a great job here at LotC. So again, thank you.

  9. A quiet night on the LotC forums.

  10. Accidentally minus ones a post stupid phone :/

  11. Actually, I just got home from Hawai'i. :3 I stayed in Kaua'i. Though I have been to Oahu. Both very nice places. :)

  12. After attending three hardcore weeks at Dio's grammar camp, I have finally been cured from the curse Skippy has put upon me. Thank you Dio's Grammar Camp! For straightening me out!

    1. Skippy


      wat r u talkin bot

  13. Ahh I see. I have some friends/family there. I am in the Los Altos/Cupertino/Sunnyvale area

  14. Ahh, I remember the first day I joined this server.

    1. Hylian the Heretic

      Hylian the Heretic

      As do I. Nearly a year ago today I met a man named Alastorous. He took me to the gates of Alras... And there my journey begun...

    2. Redbaron™


      Same, constantly dying from falling off cliffs because no one had food T.T

    3. everblue2er101


      So do I... bloody Pigmen.

  15. Alan. I want to make a Druid character. Help meh.

  16. Almost doe with that server guide...Keep yo eyes peeled. Other than that, GO VOTE. PLEASE. http://www.xtremetop100.com/in.php?site=1132329774

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