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Peter Chivay

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Status Replies posted by Peter Chivay

  1. Расцветали яблони и груши, Поплыли туманы над рекой.

  2. Good news: I'm on spring break. Bad news: I pulled a muscle(s) in Weight Training... Owww ;-;

  3. Most Legit Execution! Have fun White Roses with my big black fuzzy bawls :3

  4. Spied on the White Rose, shake KingCanada, sneak back into their Keep, shoot and kill Thomas Chivay. Sheumgal comes around, I am about to fight him, then a shitton of Knights come rolling in. Best Day as an Elf ever! :D

  5. I want Mount & Blade. I want Chivalry, and they are not for mac -_-

  6. PLOT TWIST: The White Roses, backed by Oren, defeat Malinor and start a massive military campaign against all elves. Captures elves are either permanently sterilized or killed on the spot. After years of fighting and a few generations... the elves go extinct. Boom.

  7. "A wise man once said, that which does not kill us, makes us stronger. But, we were dead, so are we now invincible!?"

  8. People still thinks Oren wants to pillage Malinor. Zzz.

  9. Remember IIKingCanadaII? Yeah I looked up what his skin was changed to after he was hacked, I present Julliana http://imgur.com/UeuS5oE

  10. To the people trying to take over malinor, I hope you know what you are doind. 1. You are making many elves leave LoTC. 2. You are causing alot of OOC stress on alot of people making the whole RP not fun. I'm not going to go into a large rant, but I am not happy with whats going on, that's all I'm going to say.

  11. Any recommendations on Martial arts fighting? I'm trying to find a martial arts fighting style for my character.

  12. What are your thoughts on players who want to RP the badass ninjas or super dohvakins?

  13. The giant wall on the Anthos Highway on the Elven path has really ruined it for me.

  14. Ug! Mi Shorat. Mi nub here tu tayke latz cawl rite nao, su pleez leab latz nayme and numba and mi get bak tu lat az zoon az pozzibul. Ukee Rulg n Gug'ye!

  15. Every Orc in the Uzg be online 5pm EST and 10pm GMT

  16. Every Orc in the Uzg be online 5pm EST and 10pm GMT

  17. Time to start going to the elves and demand klomps

  18. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: Which Ascended Sage led the Academia sect?

  19. Uh oh, here we go again. #nerfwhiterose2013

  20. Passed my Medications Administration Exam tonight with flying colours. I can sleep happy!!!!

  21. Let's name the 3.0 human city King's Landing

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