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Peter Chivay

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Status Replies posted by Peter Chivay

  1. I have a cold. My dad bought me tissues with kittens on them. I almost don't want to blow my nose...:/

  2. A bit tired of all the OOC flak I get because my character's a prick.

  3. This island is getting old. Can we please go to a new one or 3.0?

  4. It's Whiterose forum bombing time again...

  5. All you people are strange. It's been 2013 for over 15 hours... silly Americans.

  6. Remember, kids, always google your character's chosen weapon to make sure it is plausible. For instance, scythes - farming tools, not weapons. :)

  7. Teamspeak info please. kthx

  8. *Cries in the corner of his room* "I don't want a bastard!"


  10. http://brunhylde.tumblr.com/ - AND THEN MY FROST WITCH HAD A TUMBLR. What am I doing with my life.
  11. Sowie orcs. That gate was just ASKING to be opened.

  12. Whines about lack of respectable villains. Gets attacked, tries to void everything. Hmm.

  13. Whines about lack of respectable villains. Gets attacked, tries to void everything. Hmm.

  14. If there's one thing I hate, it's those who abuse power. If there's anything I hate more, it's those who kiss up to those who abuse power.

  15. Damn those White Rose! *shakes fist angrily*

  16. Damn those White Rose! *shakes fist angrily*

  17. Damn those White Rose! *shakes fist angrily*

  18. Damn those White Rose! *shakes fist angrily*

  19. How does land work in 2.5? is there VIP plots or wilds?

  20. My day was rather enjoyable today.

  21. >Oren decides that my house is on their land. >Bakes Pumpkin pie to retaliate. >Good Guy Greg Level: 100

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