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Peter Chivay

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Status Replies posted by Peter Chivay

  1. Woo! >25 pages of papers due next Monday! Hooray for not having fun for the next week!

  2. Don't forget to vote on minestatus!

  3. We're slowly dropping rank on Minestatus. Please, if you haven't voted, take a few seconds of your day to do so. It helps a fat dwarf in need. https://minestatus.net/6317-the-lord-of-the-craft/vote

  4. Oh well, hope for the best and all that stuff. Night guys.

  5. William Baldwin killed a Dark Elf... Ironically right after he got propaganda against Dark Elves... Where to take this, so many emotions... Q_Q, XD, :3

  6. Hey guys. How do I make a psychopathic character? I'm making an autistic Savant assassin character.

  7. Ayres is *********** bullying me som1 halp

  8. That feel when I read a post completely wrong and now it's locked and can't change it.

  9. That feel when I read a post completely wrong and now it's locked and can't change it.

  10. Posted my first VA. I feel nervous as fuuccccccccck

  11. This is wardog with a friendly reminder: Keep the pettiness IC, we're all players just trying to have a good time. Don't meta, don't powergame, and above all... Do not take anything personally. It's a game, and I intend to enjoy this war. So try not to ruin it for me and others by complaining and breaking server rules, please.

  12. -Just got ran over by large amounts of armored humans-

  13. whit erose killded me dark elf 4 no reson!!!!1!! bad rp!!! i haste them racsit cowards~~~!!

  14. Out of curiousity, why was the -1 feature removed?

  15. Sheumgal tried to make a move on me.

  16. How many dark elves does it take to change a cartwheel?

  17. The White Roses find out that Temp shaved his head... http://i.imgur.com/W8H4g.png

  18. The White Roses find out that Temp shaved his head... http://i.imgur.com/W8H4g.png

  19. All this publicity. Infamous as ever, eh?

  20. What's a decent age for a Dark elf?

  21. Today has quickly become one of the most negatively note worthy days of my entire life. :/

  22. Mention Aeriel in Oren-Get called a heretic. Idiots.

  23. I for one will enjoy seeing the villains have to RP as normal mortals.

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