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Status Updates posted by ~≈Panda≈~

  1. Panda is feeling better now! No more sickness and time for bed! 5 am... WHY?!

  2. Panda is back with action- Also she is sick.. And was banned for a bit.. BUT SHE IS BACK!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. meg


      Someone derped with the AdminCP perms and banned panda on the forums, we're still trying to figure it out..

    3. Eleatic


      lol derp gms are derp gms

    4. ~≈Panda≈~


      *chews on megupasta *

  3. Panda woke up today feeling so inspired!! She has the PERFECT idea of the most beautiful image ever!! Thank goodness for dreaming!! ^w^

    1. ~≈Panda≈~
    2. gingernut97


      Good on you, Panda. Good on you.

  4. Panda should change her art shoppe up a bit, make it about drawing stories instead of portraits and encouraging role play between the people who request so that Panda can have some thing interesting to draw!

  5. Anemia makes you feel so sleepy and cold.. Panda doesn't feel like she has the strength to get out of bed...

    1. Samoblivion



      Eat dem Irons!

    2. gingernut97


      So thats why you are in the infamous "lab" so often...? Stay strong, Panda, as Sam said: Get those Irons (Irn Bru helps maybe :3 )

  7. Wait.. Panda has legs.. They are not mini mountains ... Whoa.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kaiser


      Panda doesn't do drugs

      Drugs do panda

    3. Telanir


      What the... Cow...??

    4. ~≈Panda≈~



  8. Panda made her legs into mini mountains.. Whoa.

    1. Amorphbutt


      Panda be tripping balls!

    2. gingernut97


      They testing hallucinogenic drugs on you at the lab?

  9. http://new.weavesilk.com/?s98e Making silk art is so relaxing...
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ~≈Panda≈~
    3. Telanir


      Indeed... so relaxing. :)

      It's very difficult to screw up too, perhaps I can be artist now! :o

      (lol, joking :3)

    4. Goldrim


      Best thing ever Panda, thank you. http://new.weavesilk.com/?s9lm Meditating man? Yes please.

  10. Panda made Zarsies laugh in real life! That is Panda's high point of this day.. She loves making others laugh.

    1. Mithradites


      This "Panda" sounds like quite the riot! If only I knew her...

  11. Panda just wants to say.. She doesn't like the four islands idea.. The RP is going to be spread too thin.

    1. bloodofgore


      I've seen more than enough players in Oren.

    2. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      not everything has to happen in Oren though ;)

    3. bloodofgore


      True, we can't do anything about it though, we don't want a mob of angry players.

  12. Humans are... Humans are so boring.. Tells a lot about real life too? But Panda meant humans in LOTC

    1. gingernut97


      Unless they are ultimate assassins.

    2. blindmind


      I'm kind of glad for the boring, regular characters. They tend to feel more substantial, to me.

    3. Uboob ~Taron Geminine~

      Uboob ~Taron Geminine~

      If humans are boring in real life, and also boring in rp then they are truly good rpers no?

  13. *yaaawn* Panda wishes a good morning to her LOTC friends ^w^

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. gingernut97


      Good morning Panda (Evening here in UK)

    3. Pro_Whistler


      ur arhpee iz g00d

    4. JtPv


      Morning Panda, but is 10:59 here in Cali :P

  14. Panda should stop staying up so late.. But her temptations are too strong, AND SHE MUST STAY UP!!!

  15. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/56353-pandas-art/page-1 Panda cleaned this up, added new stuff and made it all pretty. Then Panda realized it wasn't spring and that cleaning was porpoiseless. *throws down her cleaning bandana down in disapointment *
  16. Rina would scream loudly in agony while being tortured to egg on the torturer and die faster. Smart.

  17. http://imgur.com/mgKrVpO Well people might guess who that is, just some speed art Panda did in 45 minutes, nothing too special~
  18. Appreciation only goes to those who deserve it.. Haha.. Who is Panda kidding, that sure isn't true. Is some one who works night and day some thing usually appreciated? NO! HAHA.. Why even try? People who work hard and stay dedicated just die with broken hands. *depressed*

  19. Mellow's love shack " The Chocolate Cherry " is completed! Panda feels so wrong!

    1. Enyahs V.

      Enyahs V.

      >_> I thought I was Mellow...MAKE UP YOUR MIND

  20. Panda's tip of the day: Only roll your fruit into leather when no one is watching and you will be respected.

    1. Jexdane


      What about when I want a leather-fruit taco?

  21. Panda's opinion : Malinor has the best characters and role play on this map. She kind of goes to Oren to go AFK because no one will come up to you and try to role play with you. Every one there waits for some thing to happen. In Malinor people make SO MUCH HAPPEN *explosions *

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. SteelMarshall


      I would go to malinor... :(

    3. ~≈Panda≈~



    4. Telanir


      Omg, so true. Malinor has some of the best roleplay happening around there. But people also need to be more interactive. :o

  22. Good afternoon Panda's LOTC'ers.. LOTCians.. Friends :3

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