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Status Updates posted by Samoblivion

  1. Turns out my computer's motherboard might be broken. If that's the case I won't be able to get on for quite a while :(

  2. Twitch users - what broadcast software do you recommend? I'm thinking of streaming a KOTOR playthrough today.

  3. Two questions: What is the Aengulic Descension and how is the Creator being retconned?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Samoblivion


      Wait, so it's being like officially lore confirmed that God doesn't exist. That's a bit naff. I always liked to assume that the Creator does exist but doesn't interact in the world for unknown and divine reasons. Now it's being confirmed that there was never an original deity who created the world and the Aengudaemons? If so that's kind of cheapening the lore I think.

    3. Sultan


      Yes thats whats called a Retcon and this was a Major one. the Creator was as you described their but never interacting.

    4. calculusdesola


      i want off this wild ride

  4. Tythus ltd is a sham of a company.

  5. Ugh... I can smell you all from here.

    1. Britfirefox


      So you don't like the smell of the Rose Flower?!

    2. Esterlen
    3. ~≈Panda≈~


      *smells herself* Smells like sweat, shame, and satisfaction.

  6. Update the Issues section of the Roleplay Quality thread. Thank you for all your current suggestions, and feel free to add to the discussion. Staff members welcome as well :D http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/58101-regarding-roleplay-stagnation/


  8. Ursakar seems to be pretty empty since I left. Shame really, it was a great little RP hub.

  9. Used my SS and ended up stuck in a wall. I something wrong with the default Dark Elf spawn?

  10. Using holocaust images to brag about kills - not smart.

  11. Usstan shlu'ta telanth ilythiiri. Vel'uss zhaunau.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Samoblivion


      *Juvenile Scaddernak Warrior can't reply due to the fact that he's been made into a rather dapper suit of armour.*

    3. Bircalin


      The translator knew pretty well, I'm sure ^^

    4. Samoblivion
  12. Vailor needs Dayman (Fighter of the Nightman) to save it from the World of Darkness.

  13. Valve just filed several trademarks. Including ones for 'Half Life 3' and 'HL3'. WHY DO YOU TOY WITH US GABE?

  14. Very good app, you'll fit in well here :)

    Welcome to the family.

  15. W00t!

    1. Samoblivion


      Sweet week of FREEDOM! Yay, paintballing next Friday :)

  16. Wait, there are 'Creator' clerics? I thought healing magic could only be gained from Aenguls? Isn't that meant to be like the flaw of pure Creator worship, that you can't gain holy magic from it? And wouldn't this completely invalidate the need for Clerics?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mithradites


      That's because they shouldn't have existed in the first place. Just something that happens when a magic team doesn't know anything aabout a certain kind of magic. :/

    3. DragoonCrow


      No, a certain amount of the player base cried so much they got what they wanted. It was the LT being weak, and unable to say no that created this fiasco.

    4. zaezae


      Can we just call it a mistake and not be mean to one another about it?

  17. Wake me up before ya go go~

    1. Bircalin


      That song is now firmly wedged into my mind. God bless you, son.

  18. Wake up, we're here. Why are you shaking? Are you ok? Wake up.

    1. -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

      -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

      That's why i tell my peepee every morning.

  19. Want a Planetside 2 Beta Key? Throw me a PM.

  20. Want to know more about the ET? - www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/94699-event-team-q-a-2/

  21. Warcraft 3 is so like Lotc. When out of stuff to do, go and murder some elves. I love you Arthas :)

    1. Moot


      I;ve been replaying wc3 recently.

    2. Kickstarted and Running
  22. Warcraft Nation RP. Yup yup.

  23. Wars on the server are just an excuse to jump down each other's throats.

  24. Was that forum downtime DDoS or standard maintenance?

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