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Status Replies posted by Buk

  1. So Kjell, how're your pants holdin' up?

  2. Climbin' on your mountain, snatching your belt buckles up. http://i.imgur.com/CDRtQ.png

    1. Buk


      can't tell if stupid or just trolling

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Breakin' hearts like a boss.

  4. Just out of curiosity, from 1-10 how famous am I OOCly (on the server)?

  5. Gave Gideon Flint n Steel for his RP bday he runs off happy wanting to burn people alive~

  6. Moving sucks EGGS!

  7. I am getting harassing tells from the one who wrote the failed Ban Report on me. Seriously, this is a video game, I do not wish to deal with your methods of agitation....

  8. And now, I have an Archbishop for a stalker. Fun fun.

  9. Last call for PMs for the VAT Meeting! If you want me to bring anything up, let me know ASAP. It starts in about 3.5 hours. I hope everyone has a good week too!

  10. Just met someone in Renatus who doesnt believe in God, I changed that :3

  11. Now to begin a new character Alianor Geminine. Long Live the Wolverines!

  12. Now to begin a new character Alianor Geminine. Long Live the Wolverines!

  13. Updated the Subudai Lore, so awesome, power level has become over 9000 and rising, I approve :3

  14. Had Nutella for the first time just now... ITS PURTTY GUD

  15. Haven't logged on to LOTC in a long time...

  16. I now have my race set to Royalty, ain't I special?

  17. Whats that website where you can quickly take a screenshot and it uploads it right away and gives you a link?

  18. According to Urara: Dont beat Godfrey too bad, he buys our wood *zooms into troll-face.jpg* How much wood u gat' Volsung?

  19. I just discovered I'm older than Gaius Marius. Kinda shocking, since I thought he was in his 30's. XD

  20. Le sigh... there are no old women characters in game... everyone is a yougin anime queen which is a little off putting seeing how I'm over 1000 now... I don't think it would be right for me to date a 23 year old elf... What to do... what to do...

  21. Aion, y u make me rage? y u still down?

  22. It's Boiendl, the candy man.

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