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Status Replies posted by Evilbanana5757

  1. coastercam0 is unban life has new meaning!

  2. I shouldn't have started a wood elf architect char, building tree houses will be the death of me.

    1. Evilbanana5757


      If your bad at building... maybe... you shouldn't play an architect?

      Just a thought! ^.^

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. I want George R. R. Martin to plan my wedding.

  4. What movie character & video game character does your character resemble most?

  5. Anyone curious about what Availers been up to? He's currently casting an E-frag tourny with 10k viewers. http://www.twitch.tv/efraglive

  6. Got the aproval to make my scaled dog from a LM finally, have been planning on making it for MONTHS!

  7. Active guilds?

  8. I sometimes think that the more graphics & gameplay advance, the more buggy games are at release. Do you think that the gaming industry is moving too fast?

  9. Ever since i quit LOTC, that whole other game "Real life" is easier, I just finished the "Job Hunt" quest.

  10. Ehhmm ok so looks like we're going to speed up 4.0 since i just wiped the map

  11. Being evil is hard. >:

  12. To PK or not to PK?

    1. Evilbanana5757


      If you don't like the character and you don't have fun playing him/her, go for it.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  13. Why do I feel like magic is just useless?

  14. Woo! accepted on the first try!

  15. A critical security issue has been identified in the last 24 hours which means that personal details, such as your Minecraft password, bank details and confidential information, might be at risk. The Chaps discuss the implications of "Heartbleed" and what you should do in response to it:

  16. join child crusade against the high elves, we will sack their city for all their cookies and milk.

  17. http://gyazo.com/4a7ad4ca7afcef7e44869ba0bc5d816c So you skinned him and are wearing it or...?
  18. y u no play snow elf?

  19. Makes status cuz bored.

  20. There really needs to be a PVP free zone so players who want to have some casual peaceful RP can go there without worrying about getting clicked to death.

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