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Status Replies posted by Evilbanana5757

  1. I knew it all along, Sporadic is the antichrist! http://gyazo.com/0b9923d335d7f58e7ea235a3337e326c


  3. Never squeeze the lens of a cows eye.

  4. GG Lotc, I quit

  5. Hey, I am looking for good anime to watch. Got any?

  6. Do I want a burger or Pizza for lunch..? Tough break...

  7. Ever notice how Ghandi and Hitler are never seen together? Coincidence? I think not.

  8. I am thinking on making Aster become good, thoughts on this ?

  9. I need the Druid Magic Plugin sooon :c

  10. That awkward moment whe nyou are drunk before 5pm and have a paper due at 10 pm tomorrow... lol

  11. Should we implement and or try, rolling default? We've tried, pvp, Rp and now back to PvP, could we try what happens if roll default was placed in? Of course, Rp and PvP is still there.

  12. Anyone know any active RP guild/groups, preferably magic and/or villainous groups and the MC names of their leaders?

  13. Let's get down to business...

  14. PLEASE HELP! Everytime I log on, even with a connection, I get trapped in darkness where I can't speak (even though I can year fire, sometimes mobs)! what's going on?

  15. Ain't nobody dope as me?

  16. How long till 4.0?

  17. Got banned off ts in early december. Posted a ban appeal on Feb 7 and still no verdict. Like wtf

  18. https://oc.tc/snowshovel oh damn 666 kills i am actually satan
  19. Pls don't do drugs guise.

  20. Who is didneywurld and why is he an admin on the in game tab?

  21. Did anyone else just randomly get blacklisted?

  22. :( It says I am not whitelisted..?

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