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Status Replies posted by Evilbanana5757

  1. Never gonna give you up

  2. Ever since the dawn of PVP being the default way, I've never PVPed once.

  3. What is love?

  4. Sorry, all Conclave RPers. I had to dash. Some urgent IRl **** popped up. Now I'm off to the Hospital with my Nan. I apologize again

  5. My character is preggers now. And no one know's who's the baby daddy. The never ending quest for the baby daddy begins.

  6. Officially RPly Married Finally

  7. How do you make a copy of a book you have?

  8. Ukraine (backed by world) vs. Russia? Kinda confused... if so could it lead to WW3?

  9. Ya'll just had to trust me and I supplied ;) GG everyone who fought Antags!

  10. In early Anthos I wiped out two Anthosian assassin guilds by hiring them to take out each other.

  11. *Long, drawn out sigh*

  12. What's "Staff of the Donator" and what kind of donators get it?

  13. I think it's time to kill off my only source of enjoyment on the server. She really wants to go.

  14. I feel like making my own magic lore and make it exclusive to myself. :/

  15. Ukraine still has a navy. The Admiral did not defect to Russia, he is supporting a Crimean nation that is pro-Russian since Kiev's region of Ukraine is pro-Europe.

  16. Ukraine's Admiral defected to Russia... now they don't have a navy... ;_;

  17. http://gyazo.com/a3c60f58b58b658d816c2a29c1826716.png admens dis is bna repot on knox he is meanie and spedhckr ban pls
  18. ... How many 'protagonist' factions are there!? The Scions I thought were- there were the ascended, now there is some group called the "Golden Lance"? Ugh...I just want to RP without getting shanked randomly by people I don't know!

  19. What is your favorite video game boss and why?

  20. It's a sad day when to justify their OPness, the antags say that the point of the battles is for them to win. Then when we say the point of them is to provide fun, we get laughed at. Why the hell were these people made antags if all they want is to win with OP powers?

  21. When is 4.0 gonna come?

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