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Status Updates posted by Nekkore

  1. Great thanks a lot invasion people picked up my inventory full of bows :D

  2. Great the moment when every year you have an illness strikes at a specific season. Mine is back again...

    1. Shorsand


      I feel you. Mine's around February. Terrible vomiting and intense fever.

  3. Happy new year everyone

  4. Hey do you have co-ords for the base?

  5. Hmm... to come back or to stay away for a little longer? What should I do?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MetaSolaray


      You want to come back

      You want to help MEta/Neci

      You want to buy me a pizza


    3. Nekkore


      I'll think about the last option XD

    4. MetaSolaray
    1. Pureimp10


      You gotta be me.

    2. Nekkore


      What losing half your body?

      Don't kill meh... :(

  6. I have all my fingers the knife goes chop chop.

  7. I have all my fingers the knife goes chop chop.

  8. I really need to learn when to say no when my manager calls me. More important things to do. *cough cough*

    1. KarmaDelta


      Like tickling the old pickle, eh?

  9. I wish my teachers actually gave me homework cause now I'm dead bored of everything in the house...

  10. I'll come back for banter.

    1. aron.


      Top hole! Bally jerry, pranged his kite right in the how's your father. 

  11. I'm back but not for long. I still have the obstacles of exams in my way...

  12. I'm back but not for long. I still have the obstacles of exams in my way...

  13. I'm back but not for long. I still have the obstacles of exams in my way...


  15. If I see one more drake vine...

    1. Moochael


      dat hotline bling doe

    2. Pureimp10


      That could only mean one thing...

  16. If I were to join the Raine Academy as a teacher. I would go full ass Asian on all my students. "Why no A prus?!" *whips out a stick.

    1. Ibn Khaldun
    2. Nekkore


      ? that fact that I'm asian... :/

  17. If you search "Polymerisation" on Google it comes up with the actual chemistry definition but comes with an image of the Yu-Gi-Oh card.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nekkore


      Is it wikipedia? Because for me it's from BBC bitwise which is a learning website for highschoolers in Britain. I think it's more on Google XD

    3. Mephistophelian


      Underneath the picture is the link to yugioh wiki. I dunno.

    4. Backup Lago

      Backup Lago

      Google uses your search history to order its results.

  18. Is it bad that I like dark jokes?

  19. Just a word of advice guys. DON'T USE THE NEXUS MENU, it will wipe your inventory and can only get it back at a restart, let the devs do their jobs!

    1. Gangrel1230


      So does this mean I can't switch personas?

    2. Nekkore


      Pretty much :/


    3. Chimp


      And then the mods will tell you "Lern for u losses m8"

  20. Laptop is so rubbish that even Microsoft word freezes, now I've lost my work T_T

  21. Lesson learned. Don't listen to music on near full volume. >_

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