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Status Replies posted by Altiak

  1. A Carrion always pays his debts.

  2. SirSnowMan is Lord of the Flies.

  3. Anyone looking for a raider/rider-esque roleplay opportunity?

  4. Anyone looking for a raider/rider-esque roleplay opportunity?

  5. What is the IP to the server again?

  6. How do i get to whitelist i'm lost

  7. hail friends of malinor

  8. I guess I just hate girls that aren't me.

  9. World of Warcraft is 75% off for black friday.

  10. what am I doing

  11. LotC Trivia: What was the greatest military order to ever be a part of LotC.

  12. who wants to tinychat with the most liked boy on lotc!? :)))??? :(

  13. Hehe, my principle mentioned Edison in a presentation and how wonderful he was. In reality it was '1% inspiration, 99% stealing from a Serbian".

  14. Fun antag event :)

  15. Damn Scots, they ruin Scotland!

  16. *passive aggresive comment at a playerbase and/or clique on this server*

  17. never forget valois

  18. shout out to player name of raptor14v

  19. Why does everyone have to be a super l33t half breed these days? I mean, it's all these half-elves or dwarf/darkie combos. Can't you just be happy with a full breed? And it doesn't make much sense in lore. A human + a dwarf doesn't make a halfling. It makes a distorted midget with greed issues. Breeds were not meant to cross-breed their children.

  20. Just give up.

  21. Just give up.

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