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Status Replies posted by aron.

  1. What skin creater do you guys use to shade skins? Currently using novaskins but either that doesn't work for shading or I just don't know how to shade.

  2. My friend gets banned for placing a joking sign beside me, which I had not even noticed? He gets banned for three days. What is this?

  3. Mystical creatures, bounties, bandits, and storylines can be yours for the low low price of supporting my ET app! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/107099-actor-heials-et-application/

  4. who wants to catch maces with me

  5. Sorry for asking this.. Is the server down?

  6. Who would you guys say was a better villain - The Perfectionist? or Knox?

  7. Hey guys, I'm opening an RP shop in Abresi, but I haven't decided what kind of business to have! Any ideas that would fun/cool. (I have already done a bookstore/library and a greenhouse)


  9. Gauging interest, who'd be interested in greco-roman-esque roleplay? As in, Roman legionnaires or Spartan soldiers. I know Blackwood did that once.

  10. Why chill infront of my computer when I could be outside chilling in this http://i.imgur.com/ScsXGlj.jpg ... oh wait its ******* freezing. NC Snowpocalypse 2014!

  11. Give us back MA please.

  12. Forums glitching out for anyone else?

  13. Forums glitching out for anyone else?

  14. ...Wasn't this a Tolkien server before?

  15. Started playing Mount and Blade: Warband. omfg this is so fun

  16. Good texture packs for LotC?

  17. Hey, random monk here: Can the people who own Old Malinor, Salvus (Gronkkston), Dwarfish Original Capital, and Orcish original capita PM me?

  18. Skype is fixed! Time to find out what a week's worth of messages equates to :S

  19. Skype is fixed! Time to find out what a week's worth of messages equates to :S

  20. Skype is fixed! Time to find out what a week's worth of messages equates to :S

  21. Wtf... Is Soulblade like a copy of Silverblade?

  22. Pixel-Art or Pixelated sneak-peak? You be the judge http://i.imgur.com/1RYx1JL.jpg

  23. Can we just get rid of hostile mobs. They are programmed pugsiers.

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