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Everything posted by aron.

  1. I'm enjoying the new forum layout

  2. One day we'll find it; The rainbow connection. The lovers, the dreamers, and me!

  3. I'm very excited for 3.0, and all of the things it will bring to the community. Very good work, community, on the magnificent creations you have come up with~

  4. Finished building Aron's bedroom. Looks pretty good

  5. Baby come back!

    1. Amorphbutt
    2. aron.


      But, Ion, you can blame it all on me!

    3. Amorphbutt


      I can, and I have.

  6. Chetty = Salvus' whipping boy

  7. Just want to thank the event team for accepting me. Really looking forward to working with each and every one of you!

  8. LotC-con. Media team, make it happen!

    1. Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)
    2. Danny


      Pretty sure that isn't a great title Jibuis. :P

    3. MrSyth


      LotcCon2020, I'm getting it done.

  9. Get online and have my babies!

  10. I feel that orc's are in their own little pvp filled world, and have little knowledge of rp fighting, and physics.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Skyhmane/TLuke222


      I thought they just learned to power-game, not how to fight.

    3. Goldrim


      I feel that you all have no idea what you are talking about.

    4. Wizard


      Many forget we play minecraft and PVP is a part of critical game mechanics. Whether a group of people prefers PVP or role-playing fighting is not to be judged against them. And plenty of orcs know how to role-play fight in outstanding fashion.

  11. Character Name Nicknames: Unca Awon; Age: 45 (give or take) Gender: Male Race: Human Status: Alive Description Height: 6'0 Weight: 182lbs Body Type: Broad, and somewhat muscular Eyes: Dark blue Hair: brown Skin: White, and unnaturally warm Markings/Tattoos: None Health: Good health, with slight knee problems Personality: Dramatic, and border-line emotionally unstable. Also, somewhat narcissistic, and selfish. Inventory: None Further Details: Life Style Alignment*: Good Deity*: Creator Religion: Church of Oren Alliance/Nation/Home The holy Oren empire/ Kingdom of Salvus Job/Class: Steward of the kingdom of Salvus Title(s): Lord, Steward, Mayor Profession(s): Assisting the royal house Hightower in ruling Salvus Special Skill(s): Farming, Cooking, and surviving Flaw(s): Unfaithful husband; separation issues; over-emotional Weaponry Fighting Style: Sword fighting Preferred Weapon: Crossbow Favored Weapon: Sword Archery: Crossbow Biography Parents: Percius Bedevere (deceased); Mary Bedevere (alive) Siblings: None Children: Syo Bedevere (alive) Extended Family: Unaware of any extended family Pet(s): Rocco, the chicken History Aron's parents were killed by orc's, and shortly after, he became an expert swordsman and swore revenge Aron was born an only child, of his mother, Marry Bedevere, and father, Percius Bedevere. His early childhood, and beginning teen years were spent on a farm in Renatus, where his mother worked as a farmer, and his Father a travelling bard/poet. His childhood he dreamed of one day becoming an architect for a large city. Not having seen any of the world, beyond his farm, until he was 16, Aron comes coupled with a few "idiosyncrasies". After the death of his father, Aron set to flea from his home, and overbearing mother, for the kingdom of Salvus. It was in Salvus, that Aron took up farming as a profession, until he could find work as an architect. After working hard as an Architect for many years, Aron was awarded the rank, and title of Mayor, in the kingdom of salvus. It was during his time as Mayor, that Aron found love in a local merchant, by the name of Wocket Gerner. In a few years time, the two got married, and had a daughter, naming her Syo Bedevere. It was in the time of Syo's birth, that Aron was given the rank of Lord, and Steward of Salvus, set to rule the city of Solace in the Hightower's absence. Artwork
  12. Was hoping to drink tonight, but, instead, I am sitting home alone eating dunkaroo's. Thanks friends,. Always have my back -_-

  13. Someone tell Gemmy to get her sheep off my lawn! http://gyazo.com/226f049812b25ec81ccd2a1cb804438c

  14. and, my new years plans just fell through. :(

  15. New forum signature gif. Arrested development is the best

  16. now that brothel's are allowed again, are orgies back in play? I don't want to see the death of bunga

    1. Goldd


      This is nothing new. We all know this.

    2. Old-Rattlesnake


      Like respecting their boundaries and taking her out for dinner.

  17. Cracker's status: dafuq did I just read?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Cracker


      She skipped the shower around noon. As said same goes with me. Then we took the underwater tests that were later in the day. These tests got us both wet. My sister had to wear tight pants and a sports bra, so she enjoyed every minute of going underwater. Before that she tried to put her hair up but she wasn't allowed to. The doctor said no. So she did to her hair like what I see when I go down to the YMCA and see where girls pretend to pull their hair back.


    3. Cracker



    4. aron.


      I'm still lost... What is the point you're trying to get to?

  18. Just like to throw it out there, I am perfectly fine with the villains, and ways they go about what they do. I'll single one out here, and say Drelik is almost always fun to roleplay with, even though everytime I end up dead on the ground. All you other villains who get these complaints should take a note out of his book

    1. DrakeHaze.


      Flay > Everyone

    2. aron.


      That's the kicker. I hate the flay's XD

  19. Can an FM capitalize the "T" in the topic ...the End... It's the latest news, and is driving my bonkers!

    1. Dante


      Just tried too... Does not work 3:

    2. aron.


      I appreciate the attempt

    3. Lym


      Erase the "..." at the beginning, you can now capitalize the T ^^

  20. Watching pulp fiction!

    1. Fid


      haha, travolta, right?

    2. Hanrahan



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