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Everything posted by aron.

  1. Playing 13 year old Aron :) I really like playing a more easy going character

  2. We're Knights of the Round Table. We dance whene'er we're able. We do routines and chorus scenes With footwork impeccable.

    1. Sentlit


      :3 I think it's pronounced impecc-able.

    2. Sentlit


      I believe it's pronounced *Impecc-able


  3. Making a mpm skin. How do i make it the size of an 11 year old boy? (Suggestions are appreciated :3)

  4. Today was a good day, my friends... A very, very good day :) Oh yes!

  5. So, how 'bout them guide applications?

  6. So, apparently I am the WORST at poetry.. Not sure if it's just supposed to come to you, but I cannot think of a single thing.. This is what I get for making a character who is a poet :3

  7. The inability to find any meaningful rp in the temp server, coupled with irl girl problems, ******* up in school, injuries, and overall bad times has left a bitter taste in my mouth.. Usually i can vent through Aron, or find a way to escape my own thoughts through him. Here's hoping things improve soon :/

  8. Miss playing Aron :(

  9. Server restart. Hopefully this fixes lag for all you less fortunate people

  10. Ski_king isn't playing anymore?! D: Who's going to try and steal Aron's wife now?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Redbaron™
    3. cruzazul


      *slips into the Bedevere house and rests in between Aron and Wocket.*

    4. Goldd



  11. Is hawk's on the newest version? OR should I just manually install rei's, and mpm?

    1. Goldd


      latest version

  12. No one to rp with, as Percius... Sigh,

  13. The under-abundance of iron is getting to be a hassle. Armour aside, I really need sheers, and a bucket.

  14. I honestly couldn't care less about the ***********ing dispute. The only unfair ruling is that other players have recently been banned for far less. Does that make it right to do the same to Dusk, or start fresh and have mroe definitive rules on what is bannable

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. DrakeHaze.


      Geo is a smart person.

    3. Hylian the Heretic
    4. aron.


      I more or less meant demoting dusk. I think people are blowing it out of proportion

  15. So hold on. What is "***********ing" I keep seeing it in the dusk ban report, but the bloody forums block it out! :S

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Respiren


      He was banned ingame as well after doing this for a 5th time -during- his ban which he should have respected.

    3. Respiren


      We also don't display things for the person involved in the ban - though each ban is consistently questioned. Seemingly because the person banned always gives those around them the impression their ban was unjustified [i put this down to human nature]. This makes me question sometimes that banning shouldn't be an excercise in public shaming as players seemingly demand.

    4. Respiren


      But then I feel this would not be best - The GM's can simply cop the criticism on the chin for the sake of the server. IT does get out of hand sometimes though.

  16. Guide apps. Thousands of them.

  17. Changed my display name. I better go study for my chemistry test ;) Also, very good idea on part of the staff, adding the guides

  18. Getting ready for dry-land... I hate running -_-

  19. The grammar task force has bee created. God, help us all...

    1. cruzazul
    2. Narco


      I laugh in the face of your grammar task force. The impudent fools have yet to meet...The Grammar Justice League!

    3. aron.


      - narrows his eyes - It was a simple mistake. I know how to spell Bin.

  20. Just read my app.. Oh dear, I forgot I had originally named Aron's parent's willy, and marry. and his last name WIZENHOFF? Really? I also wanted to learn blacksmithing. go figure.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. EmeraldStag


      My first character had a father that was secretly a slaver and after finding out the his wife had cheated on him and that my character wasn't his son, he killed her and burned her body and their house, leaving my character in a town while he went off to enslave more people. I find that that was a pretty good basic back story...

    3. aron.


      ^ that is the most imaginative, non-cliche story I have heard yet. I applaud you, good sir.

    4. Scarlet Kaiser

      Scarlet Kaiser

      Well... my character wished to own

      to become a librarian and/or a mage

      who would "launch great balls of

      fire!". Ironically, she ended up

      becoming a Frost Witch.

      Close enough XP

  21. Yes! I am clear to go to bed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A THOUSAND TIMES, WOOO-F@#%$#&*- WHOOOO!

  22. Concussion has worsened, after going head first into the boards. I can't see anything out of my peripherals right now (It's all fuzzy)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. aron.


      Where do you think I am? Gonna be here all night

    3. TheRoyalOnion(Aris)


      i got a concussion once, I just forgot the lat few hours but it wasn't that bad. Get well soon!

    4. SteelTemplar


      I had two concussions at the same time last month... not fun...

  23. Off to bed, with me. I got distracted practicing drawing faces Have a good night LOTC, and rest in peace, Asulon :l

    1. gingernut97


      Goodnight, Aron! Now its off to school for me.

    1. Old-Rattlesnake


      I swear to god I posted a pun on that same chain of comments.

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