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Everything posted by aron.

  1. I am curious as to what caused the deletion of the map (or whatever happened to it)

  2. Can't say i am not dissapointed Asulon is gone, before I could rp leaving.. I feel there will be a lot of confusion, with where players are, and how they got there. How are the other human cities rply leaving?

  3. Liri fixed the server? Very nice...

    1. Miquill
    2. aron.


      No, she sorted out the whole debacle with the temporary map :3

  4. On the bright side, in this downtime, I think I may be getting hal decent at drawing (baring in mind it's only my second day attempting it. mad props to all you artists out there)

  5. User: Knock knock. Cleverbot: Who's there? User: Interrupting cow. Cleverbot: The interrupting cow who'. User: Moo! Cleverbot: Yeah it doesn't work online.

  6. www.cleverbot.com The future of AI is a bright, and very funny one. It also sings bohemian rhapsody with you (He got the lyrics wrong, and we got in a fight)

    1. Enyahs V.

      Enyahs V.

      Cookies are great!

      But they are mine.

      No! They are mine and I will not let you have them! Mine!

      I am not scared.


    2. aron.


      User: Knock knock.

      Cleverbot: Who's there?

      User: Interrupting cow.

      Cleverbot: The interrupting cow who'.

      User: Moo!

      Cleverbot: Yeah it doesn't work online.

  7. Forgot how much internet explorer sucks, in comparisson to chrome (or firefox). Does anyone still use it? I'm intrested to hear why you prefer to use it.

  8. Meta can read Aron's thoughts, and mind. Get out meta!

    1. Shadeleaf


      I see what you did there...

    2. aron.


      I actually didn't intend any puns, or double meanings. But yes. Just yes.

    3. MetaSolaray


      Hey....!!! Stop giving away my secrets.

  9. Once i get my computer back up and running, I'm gonna have to update my event team build app, with more small rp structures (ruins,tents, etc.)

  10. Oh, what I would give to have the slightest talent in drawing.. I guess now is as good of time as any to start practicing. (Any news on why the server is taking a prolonged nap?)

    1. Gunner


      Agreed. Practice makes


  11. no idea what to do. In the midst of upgrading my PC, so I am stuck on this laptop (only play minecraft, and even then it's laggy as hell) and no one is posting stuff on the forums. Halo 4, abyone?

    1. aron.


      Since I know LOTC, some one will post a sarcastic comment about me misspelling "anyone", so I will correct myself first. *anyone

    2. Aluaethner


      I am playing Halo 4...

    3. aron.


      you shall add me, and that is that. Insidiousturtle

  12. My typical rp conversation with someone I have not seen recently: "Hey, Aron! How have you been" me - "Very good, yourself" them - "good, how's Wocket" me - "good" them - I heard you've been cheating on her" me - "ugh......"

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. aron.


      Pfft. "****" means nothing comnig from Bella Elendil ;p. Yeah, Gal, it was yours that brought me to my final conclusion. Everytime it comes up in rp, from here on in, Aron is just going to: *sighs "no, fawk off" He walks away without another word*

    3. Galendar


      Good solution.. i like your problem solving skills Aron.

    4. Galendar


      Good solution.. i like your problem solving skills Aron.

  13. Have a concussion.. #dathockeypractice

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Galendar


      I got a concussion about 3 months ago at a football game... 3 big black guys and vs. me... I didnt even see them coming... *crys*

    3. Galendar


      I got a concussion about 3 months ago at a football game... 3 big black guys and vs. me... I didnt even see them coming... *crys*

    4. aron.


      I'm just gonna sit on this one. It isn't too bad, and I don't want to miss any games

  14. I keep seeing these amazing forum avatar drawings of people's characters, all signed by HCJ. Who is HCJ and how do I request one?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Urahra


      Yeah, that would be me. Sorry. I decided to close up shop recently.

    3. Stevie
    4. aron.


      Looks like i missed the train. Still, excellent work! the forum avatars look 80% better, now.

  15. Off to bed. Three days in a row, I have only got 4 hours of sleep, because I stay up to late rp'ing. The server downtime is almost a blessing for more body.

  16. *logs in to find his char knocked up someone, and is going to have another bastard...* "oh god no"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MetaSolaray


      Aron you really should try to stop cheating :p

    3. aron.


      More nightmare drugs... This one had a lot more backround rp, around it, as well as a long time of resistance. At this point, he's probably just gonna (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ on life

    4. MetaSolaray


      Give teh child to Meta, let him raise a mighty warrior who will walk into a bar and come out with bodies, and tea :P

  17. Just took the time to read through all the laws and regulations mogroka posted.. Very well written, mog. I can't imagine how long you must have worked on all of those.

    1. Sultan


      Thats only 3 out of 12 books :P

    2. Nummy


      ...oh gosh.

    3. Althos Silverblade

      Althos Silverblade

      12... books...

      I'm just gonna switch nations XD

  18. HAHAHAHAHA! Priceless timing for a crash!

  19. Liri, Liri, Liri.... What are we gonna do with you?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sentlit


      But how can we have real lives without Liri breaking the server every once and awhile, to get us to go outside?

    3. everblue2er101


      It's scary outside. There's pigeons.

    4. Geo


      They like to pooooooooooooo on youuuuuuuuuu

  20. Everblue is the master of all thnigs lore related in in LOTC. Hat's off to you, good sir

  21. What be a pirates favorite letter?! Arrhh, ye say? Ye'd be wrong, lad! Fer it be the sea!

    1. CowsGoMoo


      I think pirates like the letter ARRRH and the letter SEA equally.

      They're both good letters, that deserve respect and acceptance.

    2. The 5'th Friar~

      The 5'th Friar~

      Cheesy. But I still laughed at that.

  22. IF someone follows you around, and pesters you ooc,and ic, while ruining rp, can you report them?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. seannie


      Ugh, why do people trouble themselves with making applications to the server, when they just do what Aron described. :/

    3. Lirinya


      You can do. I'm in game now. I can look into it.

    4. Blundermore


      Well trolling is a bannable offense if taken too far...

  23. Server crash? Deal with it in rp

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