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Status Replies posted by aron.

  1. Would you like to see any rules enforced on the forums? Be serious please :)

  2. Well let us hope the Server comes back soon. Otherwise people will start loosing their minds

  3. I can't send pm's for some reason, so i am just going to ask that all of my friends, and such support my builder app :D

  4. I miss middle school, so much simpler. A message to the middle schoolers of LotC; Savor your Junior high

  5. The day i decide to make massive changed in my char's life, the server goes down.

  6. Apps cleared.

  7. So today in Grade 11 Physics I got my new textbook, and I was flipping through it when I realized something..every page had the word "Jew" scrawled across it in pen. You have to understand, this is a 400+ page textbook, and this guy hit EVERY page. As retarded as he must of been..you have to admire the guy for determination like that. He didn't give up.

  8. My english teacher is the bomb, we're analysing Pulp Fiction in class.

  9. My english teacher is the bomb, we're analysing Pulp Fiction in class.

  10. "Beyond the Hubble Volume you won't just find more, different planets. You will eventually find every possible thing. Read that again and let it sink in. Everything. If you go far enough, you'll find another solar system with an Earth identical in every way except that you had cereal for breakfast this morning instead of eggs. And another where you skipped breakfast. And one where you got up early and robbed a bank. In fact, cosmologists think that if you go far enough, you will f...

  11. I guess i will get my homework out of the way, while the server is down.

  12. Hmmm.... A game of Rock Paper Scissors anyone?

  13. While the serer is down everyone go find the person that accepted your app and thank them.

  14. Hmm I should probably get my wedding post done soon

  15. 1:07 and still have plenty of homework. What should I do to keep myself awake?

  16. 1:07 and still have plenty of homework. What should I do to keep myself awake?

  17. What race do you think besides your own is the best and why?


  19. It was my birthday yesterday.

  20. How does one get married, in rp

  21. Working to put together a video with the GM team and our future changes and tweaks to existing things like charters, Land Claim Events and more aswell a little surprise - May Boiendl's fishing prosper.

  22. “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end, but it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” - Winston Churchill. We will make it guys. It just takes dedication, and a willingness to tolerate others.

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