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Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by Rhia

  1. When a GM forum bans your account temporarily for telling the truth. Praise the lord allah.

  2. When a GM forum bans your account temporarily for telling the truth. Praise the lord allah.

  3. Rhia can take my Brothel, but she can never take my...

  4. Rhia can take my Brothel, but she can never take my...

  5. Could I make a thread asking the whole community their opinion on this brothel ban or would it get shot down by the staff?

  6. Rhia can take my Brothel, but she can never take my...

  7. In the most civil, nice, no-offense-intended way I can possibly say this: Stop locking my statuses and deleting my posts.

  8. #Nomoreunwrittenrules

  9. Thanks Rhia. Out of the ******* blue because you're somebody's pocket GM. I'm so utterly confused and disappointed by this.

  10. You know, I'm 16 and yet I still experience joy whilst watching the canisters get sucked up the tubes at the bank.

  11. Are you kidding FMs? You deleted my comment about disliking the end of the hobbit? What kind of d*cks are you being?

  12. Are you kidding FMs? You deleted my comment about disliking the end of the hobbit? What kind of d*cks are you being?

  13. Why do we have limits on upvotes? -.-

  14. Don't for get AT, reports are due today!

  15. How do you think I got the title "The Demon God"?

  16. The 'Team Leader' forum title is confusing :( Can we not just call them whatever position they are?

  17. Brace yourselves.

  18. Are you alloud to RP passionate moaning without engaging in any sex?

  19. That moment when you realize you're almost twenty

  20. Ridiculous Question of the Day: What happens when the immovable object is hit by the unstoppable force?

  21. #GaiusForAvailer'sPosition2013 - Smart, Friendly, Cooperative, Follows same religion!

  22. If I had a serious complaint, where would I put it?

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