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Everything posted by Dargene

  1. 4 Rep :O *Sits on top of them* Soon they shall hatch into more!

  2. She did it again O.O
  3. Must resist the urge to emote irl

    1. MrSyth


      -raises an eyebrow-

    2. Rhia


      I do it alllll the time....whatchu talking about?

  4. Sore throat :(. Tea makes it slightly better

  5. The cold sweats have begun, Going cold turkey without rp.. So unbearable :D

  6. #Pressalladsforlotc

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kaiser
    3. Dargene


      Gives Lotc moar moneh

    4. Kaiser


      Oh I see we can cheat the system...

      I like it

  7. Might kill off my elf Cullasdir and make a human character to serve oren.

  8. O.o Got a text from my friend saying, I just want you to know i think of you every night and love you so much,... I text him back saying dude,.. I think you got the wrong person, His reply, Nope >:3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dargene


      Im sacred O.O

    3. Swgrclan


      Tell him to go home, he's drunk.

    4. Slic3man


      Tell him to go to your home, he's drunk.

  9. pewdiepie

    1. Stephensj Of House Lym
    2. gingernut97


      *ka chaks shotgun* THE HELLS GOIN' ON HERE?

  10. Sod it, Ima go down to sainsburys tomorrow, Get a job and money so i can donate :P

    1. Song Druid

      Song Druid

      Please don't go get a job just to donate money to the server.

    2. Dargene


      I can get £60 for 2 days work there, Lets say i just donate 10 The rest is for me XD

  11. Might start to write my characters VA.

  12. Might play alan wake.. Anyone Recommend it ?

    1. Ford


      I have the game for Xbox...but I only played a bit of it...it's pretty darn good :D I just quit for Skyrim XD

    2. Ford


      I have the game for Xbox...but I only played a bit of it...it's pretty darn good :D I just quit for Skyrim XD

    3. MrSyth


      Recommendation is apparent.

      YES. DO IT.

  13. I fkin Love.. LOVE BAGLES!

  14. Might play alan wake.. is it scary ?

    1. Samoblivion


      Kind of...

      But the story is brilliant.

  15. People who think saying swag is a good thing, Swag means Secretly we are G.a.y

    1. Song Druid
    2. gingernut97


      Nah man, it means Super Women Are Groovy.

  16. How do i even pull off getting out of the atmosphire in kirble space program xD

  17. Kirble space program.. All i have achieved is killing and blowing **** up...

  18. DayZ was going so well.. till i ran out of ammo

    1. MrSyth


      What's your alive-record? Mine's 6 hours 38 mins.

    2. Dargene


      Over 9000! :D jks. Just about under a hour because iv just started Without my normal group xD.

    3. MrSyth


      Yep, you certainly need team members.

  19. Lym is below me mwhehehe

    1. Lym


      Aye, Captain Obvious~

    2. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      Yo dawg. I put Lym below you in your status, that says he is below you, so he can be below you, while he is below you.

    3. Dargene
  20. *Sits ontop of three reputation* Mwheheheh

    1. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      *falls attempting to sit

      on 0 rep*


    2. Pum!


      -Sits on top of her two reputation- AHAH! I have /two/ rep! BOW DOWN TO ME, MORTAL ANTS!!

  21. besst day thursday, only 3 lessons with 3 free periods :P

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