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Everything posted by Dargene

  1. 9 days till school...... DANG!

  2. I have 1 rep *Sniff* its amazing

  3. Just a status about making a status.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ~≈Panda≈~
    3. Groobs03


      Just a comment on making a comment on making a comment.

    4. Yoff



  4. Happy Birthday Irene.. No idea who you are but yeah have a good one :D

    1. Rhia


      Thank you! :>

  5. Guys, Vote for me. Swords,Axe or unarmed. COMMENT NAO

  6. Hmm.. I need a combat skill, Suggestions, Swords axes. or unarmed ?

    1. BannanaToYou


      Well unarmed it really OP with Stealth as well, you're pretty untouchable.

    2. everblue2er101
  7. Me and friend playing DayZ, Both trying to find eachother, both get pinned down, after 10 mins of waiting and shooting, turns out that we where both shooting eachother xD

  8. Got my lost minas refunded, Thanks hawk

  9. Because of the Bank glitch we had with the DEBUG thingy, should i modreq and ask for my 1832 minas back ?

  10. (80 herbilism) Me: I SHALL HEAL EVERY ONE!! *Gets attacked by a mob and have no combat skills) .... I SHALL HEAL ME!

  11. GUILD WARS 2 :O! Early release.. i love Arenanet, because when guildwars2 came up on my screen, so did i.

  12. :O 5 Hours 22 mins Till GUILDWARS 2!!! :O :O :O

    1. danic


      Er mer gerd

    2. Sony


      Dam, haven't preordered. :(

    3. Vermn


      Alright, just need to get the money for it in that time! Easy!

  13. Im still down 1832 minas from the DEBUG: Messages that keep spamming me :(

  14. *Never carries minas around incase he dies*

    1. mmat


      *never has any minas because he lost them all dying.

    2. Mucky


      *carries all his emeralds around, and never dies* BOSS

    3. Samoblivion


      *Is incredibly poor so he carries all his 176 minas with him*

  15. 1832 Minas lost due to bank, No combat skills as of yet.. a wood sword... Well... things are going well xD

  16. Idea: Make the maps given by minas undropable like soulstones, So we can carry them around almost like checkbooks, When we want to pay for things we just split the amount off, they have to go to the bank and redeem the real minas from there

    1. ek_knight


      I feel like that would kind of defeat the whole purpose of th new system.

    2. Lago


      It would utterly defeat it.

  17. *Banks 1832 minas (Emeralds) yay, hmm i might need some better take 100, (Get spammed with some Debug messages) No minas have been deposited.. O.o, But Vaq said hold on ^^ So its all good

  18. Hail EmeraldStag King Of The You're banned game, Thou Shall have no other king before him!

    1. EpicSmith


      No other king before him? *cough* Hamin *cough*

    2. rukio
    3. Samoblivion


      Hail smithy_boy, true king of The You're Banned Game!

  19. How to.. Make my signature a gif ?

    1. Dargene


      Better Rephrase, How can i make a gif my signature.

  20. Feel less safe carrying my minas around...

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      * rustles in the bushes*

  21. Did crap on my GCSE'S... BUT my sixthform offers to help me by retaking the ones i failed, A second chance to try my best and work myself till i can think no moar! Learning HO!

  22. Getting my GCSE results in less then half a hour...strangly worrying.. and calming at the same time

  23. if my skill reset did not give me all the points, who would i talk with ?

  24. Where would one buy iron ingots if needed ?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Wocket


      I need to have a word with the people of metaville, lots of people from there that know everythng about me

    3. EmeraldStag


      Don't worry Dargene, we were only joking with you~

    4. Dargene


      :( Also fyi No one in trade section sells iron :D

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