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Status Updates posted by Kaun

  1. Looking for about 2 more people for this FRP.  


  2. Oi ya old fart. It’s been quite some time. I just recently got a new laptop after a housefire just before christmas. One of the first things I thought of when coming back was the old Forum RP we had going, Gods and Men. Was wondering if youd want to start it up again some time.

  3. Void Shard Lore is no longer in WIP State. 


  4. Its back....!



  5. Did the server just die? Like 30 people lost connection and I cant connect again, but it says 42 people online.

  6. My Void Shard Lore is gone ;-; I cant find it anywhere on the forums ;-; Thats gonna be sooo hard to remake... was like 10 google doc pages.....

    1. Kaun



  7. What is the In Game Year may I ask?

    1. Kaun


      Lol thats weird. Literally searched grey haired elf a second ago on google xD

    2. Kaun


      There you nob

  8. Looks like my Internet might get fixed soon and I could finally play again after about 6 months. Comcast and their system never fixed the flaw it had a long time ago so they tried to charge us with stuff we never got.

  9. Void Shard Lore returns!

  10. @Techies/Devs/GMs/Admins How many keys are required for the largest of the key packs? It was mentioned more keys redeemed at once means better rewards, whats the key amount for the highest rewards?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sythan


      I heard 20 also.

    3. mitto


      ^ can i get confirmation on this?

    4. BartOhYeah
  11. Server... just... ;-; Why cant we:

  12. Is the mob spawn rate broken...? http://gyazo.com/b4d03da07bc33cbb6887a478c220c1d4 O.O

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShameJax


      I call hax

    3. Guy d'Yood of Mann

      Guy d'Yood of Mann

      ... There's been a plenty, that's true, but /that/ is just bloody ridiculous. o.o I'm glad to be in the mines.

    4. IrishPerson


      Reported to the developers, it should be changed when they're around.

  13. For all of you out there complaining about "Oh the Staff are stupid for making me wait!" They are not 'making' you do anything, they are trying to fix and issue to a problem that came up with the map transfer. You need to stfu and stop being toxic, and grow up quite a bit.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. xfactorninja
    3. KarmaDelta


      And with that, the order of the White Knights begin to converge on Kaun. As they grow closer to one another, the blinding light refracting off of their pure white armor causes toxic memers to burn. This is it, the end to LoTC's problems with just one status.

    4. EmeraldStag


      Through and through they weren't prepared as they should have been.

  14. My internet is back up, yay! Haven't been able to do much besides read the forums on my phone since mid May. Excited for new map!

    1. Cordial__


      Welcome to the 'Fail Internet Klub'. AKA FIK

  15. agar.io is so addictive, halp!

    1. Zarsies


      My school blocked it weeks ago. ;c

    2. Rassidic


      What is it?


  17. #PlantingSeasonRocks! -(Help me)- *is dragged from computer*

    1. Jonificus


      I know that feeling.

  18. My internet is now, somewhat, functional. :D Freema u n0b, add meh back to the ET chats.

  19. Internet is estimated to return in 2 days, Comcast's "Maybe a day or two" turned into a week and a half. I will never trust them again. :I

  20. *Comcast correction patience intensifies*

    1. Kaun


      Anyone willing to do /date on the server and tell me the year/

    2. Kaun



    3. Space
  21. @ET Peeps, Aetosian, and Connor/Supremacy, Internet has fallen again, its not working properly so it may be awhile before I can hop on and help/do anything for a few more days. Ripperoni.

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