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-♣- Ƙindled -♣-

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Status Updates posted by -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

  1. I'm so booored.. what shall i do?

    1. gingernut97


      Exercise and be MANLY! HNNNG.

    2. Skippy



    3. Samoblivion


      Go court Isabella.

  2. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? because your face seems like it took most of the damage.

    1. SebastianA500


      Did it hurt?

      What do you mean?

      Did it hurt while bursting through

      earths crust ascending from hell?

  3. Watching game of thrones of the third time now~ Sup mah bruhs

  4. When i'm bored i..

    1. Lirinya


      ..make sushi or play Runescape.

    2. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      ..steal sushi and blow up Runescape.

    3. Lirinya


      ...sit there sad under my rock.

  5. That moment when you go to school.. but you start tomorrow.. so you go home to your girlfriend.. fall asleep at your girlfriend and wakes up thinking you've been kidnapped.

  6. So.. i'm at school, yeah.. but school starts tomorrow.. and i can't get home.. i have to wait here ten hours.. I WANNA THROW MY DAMN PHONE INTO THE GROUND!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fredfort (jens6851)

      Fredfort (jens6851)

      That's.... Bad.....

    3. Bethykinss


      Walk home! :D

      I don't care if you're too far! Walk!!!

    4. gingernut97
  7. Oh lets not forget that love is in the air in Huntshill.. all cewl people know what Huntshill is.

  8. Dat moment when a pug bites and sneezes on you.

    1. MonkeyCoffee


      The apocalypse begins. *evil laugh*

  9. That moment when your in-game wife has been away for two in-game years and you start to think shes dead.. or left you.

    1. The Victor Blair Project

      The Victor Blair Project

      God that actually happened to me once, believe me it is not a good excuse to sleep around because when she get's back and you realize she didn't leave you and wasn't dead, she gonna be mad.

  10. i need one or two skinning apprentices, pm me if you wish to learn how to skin like me.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. JtPv


      Im still wat=iting...its been 2 days.

    3. The Hedge Knight

      The Hedge Knight

      Dang... I wanted to be your apprentice.

    4. -♣- Ƙindled -♣-
  11. What is everyone doing!? TELL ME!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bethykinss


      Getting stalked

    3. Samoblivion


      Reading this status.

    4. -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

      -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

      Hahahahah! i'm scared of Volutional now.

  12. I've been drawing some weird ass ****.. PM me if you wish to have a look :3

    1. Samoblivion


      I implore you all not to PM him. That **** is dark as ****.

  13. Acts all normal in-game, is crazy ooc.. a random guy who sits behind a computer.

  14. *Cries in the corner of his room* "I don't want a bastard!"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Samoblivion


      Oh Graveth, your manwhoring days are coming back to haunt you, are they?

    3. The Hedge Knight

      The Hedge Knight

      Just give it to Gavin.

    4. -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

      -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

      Want to have goblin child?

  15. OH well, i made them both with help of Korvic, but sure, i can make something..

  16. Merry christmas to you aswell!

  17. There were some awesome OOc rp yesterday! i wish for more!

  18. There were some awesome OOc rp yesterday! i wish for more!

  19. I'm so tired that i can see like- it's like im high man..

  20. So, whats up everyone? having a good day?

  21. Well then, Graveth's marriage will be today. Very fun indeed~

  22. Oh! guess where these lyrics comes from! and win a cookie! Here comes the lyrics! " rains weep o'er his hall" Your head will roll if you answer the question wrongly. *holds his hand over the sword of his hilt ready to chop their manhood off.. cause i don't hurt women so only men will get hurt here.**

    1. -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

      -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

      *realizes he will chop two things off..*

    2. Tayelikel


      reins of castemere

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